Most new development in the City, including small projects such as laneway houses, require review and approval prior to construction. Depending on the type of project, your location and the land use, you may be required to submit one or more development applications (e.g. rezoning, development permit, subdivision) prior to applying for a building permit.

Before you apply 

Prior to starting the application process, we recommend that you review any relevant guides and brochures for your project and contact Planning staff to confirm the required steps. In addition, your consultants can review the Zoning BylawOfficial Community Plan (OCP), Costs and FeesBC Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step CodeSustainability Report Card, Social Well-Being Guidelines (PDF), and Affordable Housing to understand the regulations, policies and guidelines that apply to your property.

Every property in the City has a zoning classification that specifies the types of uses or activities that can take place. The OCP also includes specific Development Permit Area guidelines to address the form and character of commercial, industrial, and multi-family developments, laneway homes, heritage protection, lands subject to hazardous conditions, and development in environmentally sensitive areas.

Pre-Application Review for major projects

For OCP amendment, rezoning, and Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) applications we recommend that you start by applying for a Pre-Application Review. This process provides a coordinated response from relevant City departments to help you identify any key development considerations prior to submitting a full development application. You are also provided the opportunity to receive early, informal input from Council.

Consult with City staff for smaller projects

For all other development applications, we recommend that you consult with City planning staff by phone or email to make sure that you have all of the necessary paperwork prior to submitting your application. This will help you save time during the application process. 

Types of development applications

Depending on the type of project, your location and the land use, you may be required to submit one or more of the following development applications prior to applying for a building permit.

Pre-Application Review

Prior to submitting Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment, rezoning, and Heritage Revitalization Agreement applications, we recommend that you apply for a Pre-Application Review. This process provides a preliminary review prior to making a subsequent, more detailed development application. See Pre-Application Review to learn how you can submit an application.

Official Community Plan / Rezoning Amendment

Port Moody's Zoning Bylaw and Official Community Plan (OCP) regulate land use and density. Every property in the City has a legal zoning classification that specifies the types of uses or activities that can take place. If you want to make changes to your property that don't align with land uses or density permitted under the Zoning Bylaw or OCP, see OCP Amendment/Rezoning to learn how to apply for an amendment to be considered by Council.

Development Permit

If you are constructing or making changes to a new multi-family, mixed-use, commercial, or industrial building, or in certain cases a single-family dwelling on a site that lies within a Development Permit Area (DPA), you'll need to apply for a development permit. See Development Permits to learn more about the development permit areas in Port Moody and the application process. This includes information on development permits for Laneway Homes.

Subdivision is the process of dividing existing parcels into new parcels, or changing existing property boundaries. See Subdivision to learn more about submitting an application, including those for small lot subdivisions (RS1-S).
Development Variance Permit

Development variance permits are authorized by City Council to allow changes or 'variances' to requirements of the City’s Zoning Bylaw, Sign Bylaw, or Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw. See Development Variance Permits to learn about the requirements for a development variance permit and how you can apply.

Board of Variance

The Board of Variance (BoV), an independent panel appointed by Council, can grant minor variances on situations where complying with the Zoning Bylaw on the siting, dimensions, or size of a building or structure causes a person undue hardship. See Board of Variance for information on how to make an appeal.

Heritage Revitalization Agreement
A Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) is a conservation tool that can be used protect a heritage building or property. An HRA is approved by Council and may vary land use, density, and other regulations set out in the Zoning Bylaw. In exchange, the property owner agrees to restore, preserve and protect the heritage building or property. See Heritage Revitalization Agreements to learn how to submit an application.
Heritage Alteration Permit

If you own property in one of the two heritage conservation areas in Port Moody – Ioco Townsite and Moody Centre – you may need to apply for a heritage alteration permit to make certain changes to your property. This applies to new construction as well as reconstruction. See Heritage Alteration Permits to learn whether your property is included and how to submit an application.

Temporary Use Permit

A Temporary Use Permit (TUP), issued by Council, allows a land use that is not permitted in the current zoning of a property for a limited period of time. A TUP has a maximum term of three years and can be renewed once by Council for an additional three years. See Temporary Use Permit to learn how to submit an application.

Tree Removal Permit

The City's Tree Protection Bylaw provides policies for tree removal and outlines when you need a tree removal permit. See Tree Removal Permits for more information on tree removal requirements.

Sign Permit
Installing a permanent sign? Please complete a sign permit application, which includes all requirements. If you're not the property owner, make sure to include their authorization.

Submit an application

Visit Submit a Development Application for detailed application information, including a checklist of submission requirements.

Typical review process for significant development applications

As shown in the diagram below, the typical review process for significant development applications includes careful consideration by City staff, stakeholders, and Council. As part of this process the public is invited to give their feedback to help inform decisions about significant applications. Applicants also have opportunities to refine their proposal between review milestones. 

Click diagram to enlarge.

flow chart showing typical development application review process