Current development applications map

current applications mapUse the interactive development applications map to view details on proposed development projects and the milestones they’ve reached within the review process. New development applications will be added to this map once the application and supporting documents have been reviewed by staff and determined to be complete.

The map includes a range of development applications under review such as rezoning, OCP amendments, subdivision, temporary use permits, and various types of development permits. Most of these proposals require approval from City Council before they can proceed to Building Permit

Give your feedback on a development application

Early input

You can provide input to City planning staff early in the development application review process, before the proposed project is presented for Council consideration. Email or phone 604-469-4540 to contact planning staff.

Engage Port Moody

Significant development applications are also posted on Engage Port Moody, our online public engagement hub. Visit to learn more and give your feedback to help inform decisions about significant development proposals.

Council public input

You can also share your feedback directly with Council on development applications that are open for public input at a Council Meeting or have reached the Public Hearing phase. See Public Hearing and Development Planning Notices for information on upcoming public hearings and Council public input opportunities.