City of Port Moody business licence invoices were e-billed in early January 2025, with a payment deadline of February 3, 2025. The 2024 business licenses will remain valid until the payment deadline. To receive your e-bill, the licence account must be registered through your account. If you are not registered, please contact the Licensing Division at

Pay online quickly and easily at Once payment has been made, please allow 48 hours for your business licence to show in your myPortMoody account. Please note we are unable to accept payment before you have received your e-bill. Your 2023 licence will remain valid until the payment deadline.

We've gone paperless! We no longer mail out paper renewal bills. To receive your renewal bill via email, you’ll need to create a account and choose eBilling when you’re registering a new business licence account or editing an existing one. 

Apply for a business licence

Here's how you can apply:

Fill out the business licence application and submit by email to
Business Licence Application

If your new business will be operating out of a commercial space, a floor plan must be submitted at time of application as well.

You can also submit your application in person at the second floor counter at City Hall, or mail the form(s) to:

Bylaws and Licensing
100 Newport Drive
Port Moody, BC V3H 3E1

Building, fire, and health inspections may be required before a business licence can be approved, depending on the type of business you are operating. We'll let you know if inspections are required after we have received your completed application.

Renew your business licence

If your business operates in the City of Port Moody, you must have a valid Port Moody business licence. We issue business licences on an annual basis from January to December each year.

Renew a Business Licence

Business licences help ensure that you follow:

  • land use regulations as per our Zoning Bylaw; and
  • building, fire, and health requirements.

Fees and requirements

You can find all fees in our Fees Bylaw. The fees and requirements for business licences will depend on the type of business you plan to operate.

The annual licence fee applies to all businesses that start operating in the city before August 1 of each year. The annual fee is pro-rated by 50% from August 1 to December of the first year of licensing.

If your new business will be operating out of a commercial space, you'll be required to have building and fire inspections accepted before the business licence can be approved. The process for booking inspections will be explained after the application, floor plan, and payment have been received.

Inter-municipal business licence

If you own a business in Port Moody and work in Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam, you can apply for an inter-municipal business licence. The licence costs $260 for the base Port Moody licence, plus an additional $165 to allow for work across the Tri-Cities.

It's easy to apply. When filling out a business application form, simply check the box for "Inter-Municipal" under "Application Type." You don't need to buy separate licences for each city. Once approved, we'll add the inter-municipal endorsement to your existing Port Moody business licence and mail you your new inter-municipal business licence.

Mobile food truck business licence

If you own a mobile food truck and wish to operate on private property, you will need a catering business licence. If you wish to operate at the three public mobile food truck locations, you will need a mobile food truck business licence. Follow these five steps to apply:
  • complete a business licence application and indicate whether you wish to operate your mobile food truck on private property or public property;
  • return your completed application via email with a copy of your health permit to operate;
  • call 604-469-4529 to schedule a fire inspection through Port Moody Fire Rescue;
  • if you are operating the mobile food truck on public property, sign the Mobile Food Truck Licence Agreement (to be provided upon receipt of a completed business licence application); and
  • provide a copy of your liability insurance (2 million dollar minimum coverage displaying the City of Port Moody as an additional insured). 


Make sure to apply for the correct permits for your business:

Home-based business or home office

If you're operating a home-based business or home office from either your primary residence or a permitted accessory building, make sure you follow the City’s Zoning Bylaw.

The Zoning Bylaw provides standard rules for all home occupations to help ensure the continued safety and enjoyment of the surrounding neighbourhood. Additionally, there are specific regulations for each of the three types of home occupations that are included in the Zoning Bylaw.

  1. Home Office – Type A: home offices that do not require onsite employees, customers, or signage (permitted in all residential zones, strata approval not required)
  2. Home-Based Business – Type B: home occupations with up to two non-resident employees, onsite signage, or clients or customers who come to your house (permitted in most single detached residential neighbourhoods)
  3. Low-Impact Home-Based Business – Type C: home occupations with low volume client or customer visits (permitted in every residential zone, with strata approval required where applicable)

 You are strongly encouraged to read section 5.2.3 of the Zoning Bylaw for the complete details on home occupations.

Residential licence requirements

If you rent your residential property, you must complete a residential licence application.