The City of Port Moody's Adopt a Street program helps to keep our sidewalks, bike paths, and walkways free of litter. We welcome residents and organizations like schools, churches, local non-profits, and businesses to participate in the program. View the Adopt a Street Program Guide for more information.

How to sign up

Please email us the appropriate application to apply:

You can also drop off a completed paper copy at Works Yard at 3250 Murray Street (7:00am-3:30pm, Monday to Friday).


You should enjoy the outdoors and must be:

  • physically able to perform the required tasks
  • reliable and safety conscious
  • able to work independently and in groups
  • accompanied by an adult if under age 19

Volunteer duties

You must make a once-a-month commitment for one year, or more often if you'd like. We'll provide you with gear and training, arrange for the disposal of waste, and put up signs that will recognize your help and support.

Please designate a contact person, who will:

  • serve as the liaison with the City;
  • fill out an activity log after each visit; and
  • complete forms as needed (e.g. reporting graffiti and vandalism, dumping activity, suspicious events and injuries).

Visit your spot at minimum once per month (more if you so choose), keeping it clear of litter. Leave collected litter at the curb for collection by city crews and call the Program Coordinator for pickup.

Adopt a Street Launch

Watch our Adopt a Street Launch: