Preventing conflict with bears is a community-wide responsibility. The best way to keep both people and bears safe is to manage attractants. Here are some tips to get you started

If you see a bear in your neighbourhood or park, report it to the B.C. Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277. This maps bear encounters, which is essential in education and enforcement efforts before an animal becomes dependent on human-supplied sources of food.

For information on how to minimize adverse human-bear interactions, please email Environmental Services.

Avoid attracting bears

Garbage and green waste carts

Garbage and green waste carts are the #1 attractant for bears.

To prevent conflicts with bears:

Secure your garbage and green waste carts in a bear-resistant solid waste enclosure, like your closed garage, until pickup day. If you do not have a secure garage, below are examples of enclosures you can buy or build yourself. All of these must be anchored to the ground in order to stop bears

Photo of a Haul-All Hid-A-CartPhoto of a Bearsaver Bearier trash can enclosurePhoto of a homemade trash can enclosure

Two can enclosure designenclosed designenclosed design

To avoid a fine:

Leaving waste carts unlocked on non-collection days and setting carts out for collection too early are bylaw violations. If you don’t manage your garbage and other wildlife attractants properly, you could be fined up to $1,000 by the City. 

  • Store your garbage and green waste carts securely with bear clips locked until collection day.

  • Unlock your carts only when you put them out for collection.

  • Place your carts at your pick-up spot on collection day between the hours of 5:30am and 7:30am only.
  • Bring them back inside after 8:00 p.m.
 Pet food
Feed your pets indoors and store pet food indoors.
 Bird feeders
  • Use bird feeders only in the winter
  • Don't let seed spill onto the ground
  • Suspend them out of reach of bears
  • Avoid using them altogether if bears visit your yard frequently
 Fruit trees and landscaping plants
  • Avoid planting species that attract bears. See our Preferred Plant List.
  • Pick fruit as soon as it ripens. Contact a local fruit-gleaning group for help.
  • Pick up any fallen fruit daily. 
  • Store all harvested fruit securely indoors.
  • Contact WildSafe BC and Environmental Services at 604-469-4574 for more information.
  • Clean barbeque grill, and remove and empty grease trap after each use.
  • Cover and store barbeque in a bear-resistant enclosure, such as a secure garage.
Store freezers inside a bear-resistant enclosure, such as a secure garage, not on decks or in carports.
Bee hives
Learn about how to keep bears out of your bees by reading the urban beekeeping guidelines and regulations in Port Moody.

How to behave if you encounter a bear 

The best encounter with a bear is one you avoided. Don't attract bears to your property and don't wear headphones while hiking. If you do encounter a black bear:

 In the forest
  • Remain calm and back away slowly. Talk to it in a quiet, monotone voice.
  • Never run away. Do not scream, turn your back on it, kneel down or make direct eye contact.

If it approaches or follows you:

  • Stand your ground and become aggressive, using a loud, firm voice yell "Hey bear – you’d better back off!"
  • Make yourself look bigger by raising your arms and jacket.
  • Back away only when the bear stops its approach.

If it continues getting closer:

  • Get your bear spray out of the holster and into your hand. Remove the safety latch.

If a bear charges you:

  • Use your bear spray once it gets within 10 meters of you. Watch this short video to learn how to use bear spray. Never use it like bug spray.

Once it is safe to do so, call 1-877-952-7277 

 In your yard

If you look out the window and there’s a black bear nosing around your bird feeder or trash, or investigating something that looks or smells interesting.

  • Discourage the bear. From an open window or a safe place on your porch or deck make loud noises, shout, or bang pots and pans together to scare away the bear. Teaching bears it’s OK to hang around homes almost always leads to problems for both people and bears. So don’t offer food or encourage it to stay so you can watch and take photos.
  • When the bear leaves, remove potential attractants such as garbage, bird seed, or pet food.
  • Tell neighbours and ask them to remove attractants.
  • Report it to 1-877-952-7277


For more information, please visit Wildsafe BC and review the BC Human – Wildlife Conflict guidelines.