Port Moody is surrounded by forested mountains. This means encounters with wildlife are common. Residents in Port Moody need to manage these interactions in order to stay safe and avoid damage to home and property. The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change and the BC Wildlife Act offer guidelines and protections to help ensure the safety of wildlife and people. Help protect local wildlife by going rodenticide free.
Report an encounter
Please report all encounters with wildlife to the BC Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277. This provides records for tracking wildlife encounters, which is essential in education and enforcement efforts to reduce human-wildlife conflict.
For more information on how to minimize adverse human-wildlife interactions, please email the Environment Division.
Bats |
The City of Port Moody is proudly a certified bat-friendly community! As a bat-friendly community, the City is committed to bat habitat conservation and education. Bats provide important services and support healthy ecosystems in Port Moody and throughout Canada. In the Lower Mainland, bats play an important role in controlling insect pests that can harm our forests, crops, and people. There are 17 species of bats that occur in BC, and around 9 species found in Port Moody. This includes Little Brown Myotis (or 'Little Brown Bat'), a species that is listed as Endangered under the federal Species at Risk Act. Bat populations around the globe are in decline as they face several threats, including habitat loss, impacts associated with climate change, pesticide use, noise pollution, vehicle collisions, predation from cats, collisions with wind turbines, and white-nose syndrome. Check out this 2023 YouTube video by BC Nature and the BC Community Bat Program which provides an excellent introduction to BC bats. How you can help bats:
Other resources
Bat FAQs Do all bats have rabies? Less than 1% of bats in BC are known to carry rabies. What should I do if I find a dead bat? If you find a dead bat, report it to 1-855-9BC-BATS (1-855-922-2287) OR environment@portmoody.ca. Some dead bats are collected for scientific research or for rabies testing. What should I do if I have been bitten or scratched by a bat? If you have been physically contacted by a bat, call your physician or public health office. What should I do if my pet has been in contact with a bat? If your pet has been in physical contact with a bat, call your veterinarian. What should I do if I find a bat roosting outside? If you find a bat roosting outside, please leave it alone. It might be waking up from hibernation. Do our local bats drink blood? All BC bat species are insectivores, meaning they consume insects - not mammal blood! |
Beavers |
Known for their creation of large wetland complexes, North American beavers (Castor canadensis) are ecosystem engineers and a keystone species. Because of their ecological role, beaver dams are protected under the BC Wildlife Act and Water Sustainability Regulation. In response to beaver activity in Port Moody, Council has endorsed a beaver management plan that promotes co-existence, outlines best practices, and addresses risks and liabilities associated with flooding, property damage, ecological impacts, and human health and safety. The plan also addresses compliance with all provincial and federal regulations related to wildlife and fish passage. |
Birds |
Many bird species can be found in Port Moody. This includes both resident species that are here year-round, and migratory species that are here seasonally. The general bird nesting period is March 1st to August 31st, when bird activity is high. Bird nests, eggs, and young are protected under the BC Wildlife Act and federal Migratory Birds Convention Act. Bird nests do not only occur high up in trees, as many bird species in Port Moody nest on the ground, holes in trees, or in shrubs at waist height. Bird nests are designed to be unnoticeable, and so extra care should be taken during the general nesting period to avoid disturbing or destroying nests. Avoid tree and brush clearing activities during the general nesting period wherever possible, and ensure that you comply with the City's Bird Nest Protection Policy. If you locate a nest, keep your distance and do not disturb it. Purple martins migrate to Port Moody every year from South America from May until August. As insectivores, they help to control insect populations by eating flies, beetles, and moths. They nest near water and are rarely seen on land. In Port Moody, artificial boxes attached to marine pilings provide ideal nesting habitat – these special next boxes can be viewed from Rocky Point Park or Old Orchard Park shorelines. We can coexist with purple martins by enjoying them from the land or maintaining an on-water distance of at least 30 m from nest boxes (for boats, kayaks, and paddleboards). A drastic reduction in nesting habitat almost led to the extirpation of purple martins from BC in the 1980s. However, due to over 30 years of conservation efforts by local stewardship volunteers to establish new nest boxes, the purple martins have continued to return every year to Port Moody. Port Moody is home to a Great Blue Heron colony along the Shoreline Trail by Old Mill Park. The colony consists of 10-20 nests that are reoccupied or reconstructed each year. During the early stages of nesting, herons may be especially sensitive to noise disturbance from machinery or other loud activities. The heron nesting period is longer than the typical songbird nesting window, extending from January 15 to September 15. A heron's diet consists largely of fish, and may include shellfish, amphibians, and small mammals. Our coastal fannini subspecies does not migrate and is present in the region year-round. Bird nesting behaviour can include gathering or carrying nesting materials, such as bits of grass, twigs, or string. Some birds also produce alarm calls when people or animals are within close proximity of their nest site. |
Black Bears |
Black bears are a common sight in Port Moody. The Bear Essentials Program provides education and awareness on how to minimize adverse human-bear interactions. |
Canada Geese |
Non-migratory Canada Geese were introduced to our region and the number of them has increased drastically over the last few decades. They can leave large amounts of fecal matter on grass, docks, and paths. This poses a health and safety risk for residents. They can also become aggressive and territorial. Geese are protected under the Migratory Birds Convention Act. However, the Act recognizes that there are times when issues caused by them must be addressed. To help limit the number of geese in the Rocky Point area we have developed a Goose Management Plan. This involves placing fencing and vegetation along shorelines and using trained dogs. Both of these are recommended by the BC SPCA and Environment Canada. |
Cougars |
If you encounter a cougar, you should stay calm and back away slowly. In late winter/early spring cougar sightings increase in Port Moody as their preferred prey, deer, spend more time in urban areas. Here are some tips to stay safe and avoid negative encounters with cougars.
Report any encounters or sightings in an urban area to the RAPP (Report all poachers and polluters) line at 1-877-952-7277 For more information about how to respond to a cougar sighting, follow the BC Human – Wildlife Conflict guidelines. |
Coyotes |
Coyotes are well adapted to living in urban areas. They are naturally timid but may act aggressively if they become too comfortable with people. With a few simple actions, you can help reduce conflict between people, pets and coyotes:
If the coyote does not run away or acts aggressively towards you:
For more information on coyotes, visit the Urban Coyote Initiative web page. |
Fish |
Seals |
If you find an injured or distressed seal or marine mammal, please report it to Marine Mammal Rescue: 604-258-SEAL (7325). Do not touch or attempt to feed the animal. DFO’s Marine Mammal Regulations require a safe distance of more than 100m from marine mammals |
Wildlife safety
- Know before you go. Familiarize yourself with wildlife common to the area before you head outdoors.
- Never feed wildlife (it is illegal) and secure your garbage and green waste. Pack in what you pack out – do not leave food wrappers or scraps outdoors.
- If you encounter wildlife: stay calm, raise your arms to make yourself look big, speak with an even tone, bring pets and children close, do not run or turn your back, and slowly walk backwards to vacate the area and give wildlife room to pass through.
- Talk to children and educate them on how to respond to wildlife encounters. Children should not be left unsupervised in areas of high wildlife presence. Immediately pick up small children if coyotes, bears, or cougars are seen nearby.
- Practice ethical photography. Taking photos of wildlife at close range can increase the risk of conflict, stress wildlife, and give them a longer chance to smell you and lose their fear. More information on photography ethics is available through WildSafeBC.
- Equip yourself with safety tools such as a cellphone or noisemaker when going into natural areas.
- Stay on official trails. Going off-trail into bushy areas increases your risk of wildlife encounters, and unknowingly entering wildlife dens or defended territories.
- Haze coyotes that follow you by yelling, throwing rocks or other objects at the ground near the coyote, and using noisemakers.
- Report all wildlife conflicts to the BC Conservation Officer service: 1-877-952-7277.
Wildlife and pets
Pet encounters with wildlife can occur in both natural and urban areas. Off-leash dogs and free-roaming cats are at the highest risk of conflicts with wildlife including bears, coyotes, and cougars. Larger dogs may startle wildlife and cause them to engage in defensive or territorial behaviour, and smaller dogs and cats can be easy prey. Ensure you understand the risks of potential wildlife encounters with pets.
Pet food and water dishes are considered wildlife attractants. Keep all pet food and water indoors to avoid attracting wildlife to your property.
Tips for Dog Owners |
- Avoid areas of high wildlife activity and stick to official trails to avoid entering wildlife dens or defended territories. - Keep dog food and water bowls indoors. - Do not allow your dog to interact or play with coyotes or other wildlife. This can habituate wildlife so they lose their fear of people and pets. - Spay/neuter your dog. Coyotes are attracted to unspayed/unneutered dogs and can mate with them. - Keep dogs on a 6-foot leash to maintain control. In designated off-leash areas, keep dogs in view at all times and immediately call and leash them if wildlife appear nearby. - Avoid walking dogs at dawn and dusk, and bring dogs inside at night. - Maintain fencing in your yard to keep dogs in and wildlife out. If your property backs onto forested parkland, be sure to supervise your dog when it’s in the yard. - Keep dogs out of streams to protect sensitive aquatic species, especially during salmon spawning season (October – March). - Pick up dog waste in your backyard and in natural areas to avoid attracting wildlife. |
Tips for Cat Owners |
- If your cat roams free outdoors, bring them in from dusk until dawn. - Keep cat food and water bowls indoors. - Domestic cats are the number 1 killer of wild birds in North America. Consider keeping your cats indoors to protect our local bird species. |
Tips for Fish, Reptile, Amphibian, Rabbit, Insect, and Rodent Owners |
- Do not release domestic or exotic pets into the wild. They can compete for resources with native species and have drastic ecological effects. |
Wildlife support
For more information on how you can help keep wildlife and people safe in the community, including how to help injured wildlife, please visit:
- City Environmental Contact List
- Wild Safe BC
- Get Bear Smart Society
- Canadian Wildlife Federation
- Marine Mammal Rescue
Feeding Wildlife
Feeding wildlife, either intentionally or unintentionally, is against the law under Section 33.1 of the BC Wildlife Act and under the City's Vector Control Bylaw and Litter and Dumping Prohibition Bylaw.
While often well-intentioned, providing food to wildlife can be harmful to them and their babies. This includes deliberately distributing pet food or human food food for wildlife, or leaving attractants unsecured and accessible to wildlife.
Consequences of feeding wildlife may include:
- Attracting rodents or other small vectors that may carry disease.
- Attracting larger predators, such as coyotes, bears, and cougars who prey on rodents and birds.
- Directing wildlife away from natural, nutritional food sources.
- Causing digestive issues and nutrient deficiencies in wildlife.
- Disrupting the natural feeding, foraging, and migration behaviours of wildlife, and making them reliant on human food sources.
- Spreading disease within or between wildlife populations by causing large groups to unnaturally congregate.
- Harming domestic pets who may find remnant food left behind.
You can anonymously report observations of illegal wildlife feeding to Bylaw Services at 604-469-4541 or at bylaw@portmoody.ca.