We're committed to responding to climate change through a series of environmentally-sustainable policies, initiatives, and regulations. We also encourage our residents to practice sustainability in their daily lives. This includes everything from following our environmentally-friendly recycling program to practicing sustainable lawn care and yard maintenance.
Drive sustainably
Car emissions contribute to climate change and impact our air quality and health. In order to address these concerns, the City has implemented an anti-idling bylaw, promotes car sharing and bike-sharing, and has installed a number of electric vehicle charging stations.
Energy conservation
We have introduced a variety of greenhouse gas initiatives in order to reduce our carbon footprint. You can help us reduce emissions by making sure that your home or business is energy efficient. Check out the rebates and incentives available for developing energy efficient buildings.
Metro Vancouver promotes energy conservation through their Drinking Water Management Plan.
Waste reduction
We're dedicated to protecting our environment by providing consumers with a convenient, cost-effective program for the collection, recycling, and responsible disposal of a variety of products and substances. Read more about our waste management services.
Climate action plan
We're implementing a Climate Action Plan – a community-wide strategy to help the City and its residents adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to warming of the Earth.
In British Columbia, we’re already experiencing the effects of climate change, such as extreme precipitation and an increase in average temperatures. Our Climate Action Plan will help us adapt to the changes we’re already seeing, and reduce the impact of the changes that are yet to come.