Port Moody seeks feedback on draft updated Zoning Bylaw
The City of Port Moody will host an open house at City Hall (100 Newport Drive) on Saturday, May 12, 2018 from 10am to 2pm, with a presentation at 11am, to obtain feedback on its draft updated Zoning Bylaw.
The City is updating its Zoning Bylaw to make it more user-friendly, implement policies in the Official Community Plan (OCP), and address some key land use challenges. In February 2018, Council reviewed a working draft of the Zoning Bylaw, which was completed after extensive public consultation. The City is now seeking feedback on the proposed draft bylaw, focusing on these themes:
- Complete Community – encouraging uses to foster an inclusive community, and enhance neighbourhood character;
- Environment – protecting streams and encouraging sustainable buildings; and
- Supporting OCP Policies (like transit-oriented development) – creating compact, walkable, mixed-use communities near transit.
Feedback forms will be available at the open house and online at portmoody.ca/blueprint on May 12, 2018. All forms must be submitted by May 28, 2018. Your feedback will be presented to Council for their consideration, and a Public Hearing will be held in summer 2018.
A zoning bylaw is a legal tool that allows local governments to regulate the use of land and implement policies in the OCP. It protects areas from incompatible uses and regulates the scale and intensity of development. A zoning bylaw contains specific regulations for permitted uses, building height, floor area, parking requirements, and building setbacks.
Port Moody’s existing Zoning Bylaw has not undergone a comprehensive review since it was adopted in 1988. Updating and modernizing the Zoning Bylaw will allow the City to deliver efficient customer service and provide a document that is clear and accessible to property owners, developers, and the public. In addition, there is a need to align the Zoning Bylaw with the Official Community Plan, following a recent update to Port Moody's OCP. Visit portmoody.ca/blueprint for more information.