
The City of Port Moody has increased its fines for certain Solid Waste Bylaw infractions to help keep people and bears safe.

 “The most effective action our residents can take to prevent conflicts between people and bears is to manage garbage and other attractants properly,” says Acting Mayor Steve Milani. “That’s why the City takes bylaw violations, such as leaving waste carts unlocked on non-collection days or setting carts out for collection too early, very seriously. By increasing the fine for a first offence from fifty dollars to five-hundred dollars, we’re sending a clear message that residents need to do their part to ensure that bears don’t become dependent on human sources of food.”

The City’s Municipal Information Ticket Authorization Bylaw (No. 3044) has been amended to include the following fines:

Bylaw fines table

Solid Waste Bylaw

No. 3058
Section(s) Section(s)

Leaving collection cart locks unlocked on non-collection days 


First offence $500.00

First recurrence $750.00

Subsequent recurrences $1,000.00
Leaving private or non-City collection cart locks unlocked on
non-collection days 

First offence $500.00

First recurrence $750.00

Subsequent recurrences $1,000.00
Setting collection carts out for pick-up prior to 5:30am on
collection days 

First offence $500.00

First recurrence $750.00

Subsequent recurrences $1,000.00

Previously, fines for the infractions noted above were $50 for a first offence, $150 for a first recurrence, and $500 for subsequent recurrences. 

Bylaw Enforcement staff regularly patrol areas on non-collection days to ensure carts are being stored and locked properly, and issue fines for an offence under the Solid Waste Bylaw. Residents can download the City’s solid waste app to get weekly reminders about which carts to put out the night before collection day. 

Managing garbage, green waste, and recycling

The City urges residents to follow these tips for dealing with garbage, green waste, and recycling:

  • secure your garbage and green waste carts in your garage or in a bear-resistant waste enclosure whenever possible;
  • if you don’t have a garage or bear-resistant enclosure and have to store your carts outside, ensure garbage and green waste carts are stored securely with bear clips locked;
  • consider buying or building a bear-resistant enclosure – visit and click on “Garbage and green waste carts” to learn more about these two options;
  • place your carts at your pick-up spot on collection day between the hours of 5:30am and 7:30am only;
  • regularly rinse all carts, as well as items to be recycled, to eliminate odours;
  • bring carts back into your garage or bear-resistant waste enclosure as soon as possible after the contents have been collected; and
  • report any carts being stored contrary to the Solid Waste Bylaw (e.g. out for pick up too early) – call Bylaw Enforcement at 604.469.4697 or email at

What to do if you encounter a bear

If you encounter a bear, remain calm. Do not run or climb a tree. Back away slowly, talking to the bear in a quiet, monotone voice. Do not scream, turn your back on the bear, kneel down, or make direct eye contact. If you are with others, act as a group. Keep children close. If possible, go indoors. Make sure the bear has a clear escape route. 

When to report an encounter

If you see a bear in an urban area, it’s important to report the encounter if the animal:

  • is accessing garbage or other human-supplied food sources;
  • is in a public location like a city park or school during daylight hours; or
  • cannot be scared off easily. 

Please call the B.C. Conservation Officer Service (C.O.S.) at 1-877-952-7277 to report an encounter. Early and proactive intervention by the C.O.S. can help to adjust a bear’s behaviour before it loses its fear of humans or becomes dependent on human-supplied sources of food. 

Visit for more information on black bears and other wildlife, and how to manage access to garbage and other attractants. Through its Bear Essentials Program, the City works to educate the public on how to minimize human-bear interactions.