Port Moody moves forward with in-person service and Council meetings at City Hall

Starting Monday, July 13, 2020, the City of Port Moody will offer in-person service at City Hall and starting Tuesday, July 14, 2020, Council meetings will return to the Inlet Theatre with modified access for members of the public.
These changes are part of Moving Forward, our phased plan to deliver services and programs as we adapt to the new normal during the COVID-19 pandemic. The safety of our residents and employees is our top priority. Moving Forward aligns with BC’s Restart Plan and focuses on making decisions in a careful and steady way, with health and safety at the forefront. We have developed site-specific safety plans, as required by WorkSafeBC, and continue to follow all directives and recommendations from the provincial government and public health authorities.
Starting July 13, three customer service counters – Reception/Legislative Services, Planning/Building/Bylaws, and Finance – will be open for drop-in service on the first floor of City Hall (100 Newport Drive) from 9am to 12noon and 1:30pm to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. The counters and the Galleria will be closed to the public from 12noon to 1:30pm while the City completes mandated cleaning requirements.
Whenever possible, we encourage you to continue to access City services online at portmoody.ca. Find information, pay bills, apply for or renew a business licence, or submit a permit application online. Or you can get in touch with us directly – City staff are readily available by email or phone. However, if you require in-person service at City Hall, please do your part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19:
- stay two metres (six feet) apart from others whenever possible;
- wear a face mask in case there are times when it’s not possible to maintain a two-metre distance;
- follow instructions on all signs and floor markers that indicate where to stand and when to approach the counter;
- cough or sneeze into your upper arm or elbow;
- wash or sanitize hands frequently; and
- stay home if you’re sick.
Starting July 14, Council meetings will resume in the Inlet Theatre (100 Newport Drive). COVID-19 measures will be in place, including physical distancing and capacity limits for both the theatre and the Galleria. If you plan to attend, we encourage you to wear a face mask and we strongly recommend that you register in advance at portmoody.ca/meetings (or call 604-469-4500 during business hours) so that we know how many people to expect. If we reach capacity, there will be seats available in the Galleria for overflow.
Prefer to stay home but want to stay engaged with City Council? Email comments to council@portmoody.ca, watch Council meetings via our live stream, or check our Council and Committee Meetings web page to find agendas, minutes, and videos.
Visit portmoody.ca/covid19 to read our Moving Forward plan and stay up to date on impacts to City services, programs, and facilities.