Port Moody issues call for community banner designs as part of StreetArts Banner Program
The City of Port Moody is accepting community banner designs for its annual StreetArts Banner Program.
Adults and children six years and up are eligible to submit a design for a street banner. Submissions must reflect this year’s theme, Port Moody’s shoreline, and follow the design specifications listed on the official entry form. Visit portmoody.ca/streetarts to print an entry form, or pick one up at City Hall, the Recreation Complex, or the Port Moody Arts Centre. Completed entry forms and design templates (hard copy only) must be received at City Hall (100 Newport Drive) by 4pm on Friday, October 13, 2017.
In the fall, a selection jury will choose thirty community designs and fifteen duplicate designs to be painted the following January during the 2018 Community Banner Painting Session. The completed banners will be on display on the streets of Port Moody from April to November 2018.
The StreetArts Banner Program is an art project that brings art to life on the streets of Port Moody. The banner program has three components: community banners, designed and painted by community members; student banners, designed and painted by local high school students; and artist banners, designed by professional artists and printed by a banner manufacturing company. Visit portmoody.ca/streetarts to learn more about the program.