Port Moody allows limited use of sports fields to give residents more options for outdoor exercise

Limited use of sports fields is now permitted in Port Moody to give residents additional options for exercising outdoors. This restricted use applies to all sports fields owned by the City or jointly with School District 43, except for the grass baseball field at North Shore Community Park (1300 David Avenue) which is currently closed for turf maintenance.
“Access to the outdoors is absolutely essential, especially during extended periods of staying indoors,” says Mayor Rob Vagramov. "While our sports fields are not yet open for organized sports or large gatherings, I’m pleased to announce a limited re-opening, so folks can use these spaces for activities like walking, running, frisbee, and chilling.
“The return to life without restrictions depends on us,” continues Vagramov. “The deal is simple: keep your distance from other humans, and we will be able to keep your parks and rec assets open.”
Bookings for field rentals remain suspended and washroom facilities also remain closed until further notice. City playgrounds, basketball courts, skate parks, and bike parks remain closed until further notice.
Residents and visitors are reminded that, under City of Port Moody Bylaw Number 2894, dogs are not allowed at any time on sports field surfaces, running tracks, or tennis courts.
The City is continuously monitoring information about COVID-19 coming from public health authorities, and makes decisions about City services and facilities with the health and safety of its residents in mind. Visit portmoody.ca/covid19 to stay up-to-date on impacts to City services.