City Hall

To ease the financial burden faced by taxpayers during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Port Moody has moved the penalty for late payment of property taxes from July 3, 2020 to October 1, 2020 and reduced the penalty from 10 to five per cent.

As in previous years, property taxes are due July 2, 2020. Unpaid property taxes will be subject to a five per cent penalty on October 1, 2020. In 2019, outstanding payments were subject to a five per cent penalty on July 3 and an additional five per cent on August 6, for a total penalty of 10 per cent. Penalties apply to all outstanding amounts, even unclaimed home owner grants.

“We’ve been looking for ways to help residents and businesses facing financial pressures during this challenging time,” says Mayor Rob Vagramov. “For those who need it, the delayed penalty date gives taxpayers another three months to pay their property taxes without penalty.

“Some municipalities have moved the tax due date to September 30,” continues Vagramov, “but City staff and Council agree that maintaining the July 2 due date, as recommended by the Province, is the best option for Port Moody. By collecting some tax payments from residents as well as home owner grants and tax deferment funds from the Province within the usual time, we’ll have some revenue coming in to offset losses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, by pushing the penalty date to October 1 and reducing the penalty to five per cent, we can provide financial relief to those who really need it.”

Property taxes are calculated by multiplying the assessed value of your property (determined by BC Assessment) by the current tax rate (set by the City) for your property class.

In 2020, a Port Moody homeowner with an average priced home ($942,000) will see a $38 tax increase. Your tax increase will be higher if the assessed value of your home has increased more than the average assessed value decrease of eight per cent.

Here are five easy ways to pay property taxes:

  • online at using a credit card (Visa or MasterCard) – credit card transactions are subject to a non-refundable convenience fee of 1.95 per cent that is added to the total amount;
  • through online or telephone banking using “Port Moody Taxes” as your bill payee and your folio number without the dash for the account;
  • at your bank (this option is available at most Canadian financial institutions) – banks do not accept home owner grant applications;
  • by mail with a cheque (post-dated accepted) to the City of Port Moody (100 Newport Drive, Port Moody, B.C., V3H 5C3) – mail early as postmarks are not accepted as the date of payment; and
  • 24-hour drop-off – drop a cheque in the Finance drop box located at the rear entrance to City Hall and the Port Moody Public Library (100 Newport Drive).

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person service at City Hall may not be available for the 2020 tax season.

Visit to learn about the City’s pre-payment option, the B.C. home owner grant, and B.C. tax deferment program. Eligible residents must apply for a home owner grant by July 2, 2020, even if they are not paying their property taxes by the due date, to avoid a penalty – claims can be submitted online at

Register with MyPortMoody to receive paperless tax notices and review your property tax information online.

The 2020 tax sale, a public auction of all properties that have not paid their taxes for three years, has been postponed until 2021.

The City is continuously monitoring information about COVID-19 coming from public health authorities, and makes decisions about City services and facilities with the health and safety of its residents in mind. Visit to stay up-to-date on impacts to City services.