Local community groups and non-profit organizations seeking financial assistance from the City of Port Moody may apply through the Community Grant Program. 

Port Moody’s new Community Grant Program provides financial assistance to community groups and non-profit organizations that contribute to the general interest and benefit of local residents and businesses. Each year in January, a group can apply for up to five-thousand dollars in funds and in-kind services. Interested community groups must fill out a grant application form and submit it by January 31 of each year 

Previously, community groups requested funds by appearing as a delegation at a City Council meeting. Now, requests for grant funding must be made through the Community Grant Program. Application forms can be found on the City website at portmoody.ca/communitygrants, and at City Hall. Completed forms can be dropped off at City Hall or mailed by post, and must be received by January 31, 2017. 

Council has decided to use a process called participatory budgeting to award funds through the Community Grant Program. Participatory budgeting shifts decision-making authority away from elected officials, and places this authority in the hands of residents. This means Port Moody residents will decide which groups will receive community grants, with Council providing final approval. 

For 2017, the decision-making will happen at the Community Grant Public Forum and Vote, to be held at Inlet Theatre (100 Newport Drive) on February 18, 2017 at 1pm. At the forum, applicants will present their funding requests to attendees. At the end of the presentations, Port Moody residents in attendance (including applicants) may cast one ballot for each grant range category: $1,000 or less; $1,001 to $2,500; and $2,501 to $5,000. Grants will be awarded based on the number of votes received by each community group in each category.  

For more information on the Community Grant Program or participatory budgeting, please visit portmoody.ca/communitygrants.