Bird's eye view of Port Moody

The City of Port Moody is hosting two information sessions on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at City Hall (100 Newport Drive) – the first at 3:30pm and the second at 6pm – to provide information about draft updates to the Development Cost Charges (DCC) Bylaw. The updates include recommended changes to DCC rates that will help the City finance the infrastructure requirements that come with new development.

Both sessions will include an overview of the recommended DCC rates, planned implementation dates, and transition processes. The 3:30pm session is aimed at residential, industrial, institutional, and commercial developers, as well as planners and builders, and members of the Urban Development Institute and the Homebuilders Association Vancouver. The 6pm session will include an educational component and is best suited for the general public and people who are considering developing a small lot.

Visit to learn more and review the recommended DCC rates. Feedback forms will be available at the June 26 information sessions, or you can fill out a form online at until July 5, 2019.

Council has given the draft updates to the DCC Bylaw first and second reading; third reading is scheduled to take place in July 2019. The City will then forward the bylaw and supporting documents to the provincial government for approval. It’s anticipated that final adoption of the updated bylaw will take place in late 2019.

DCCs help with the cost of urban development and support the demand for infrastructure growth, including sewer, water, drainage, roads, and parkland acquisition/improvement. The City’s existing DCC Bylaw (No. 2142) was adopted in 1986.