Share the Trail

Follow trail etiquette to help keep everyone safe on our trails during COVID-19 

As we all try to stay active while staying apart during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City is reminding trail users to follow trail etiquette so that everyone can enjoy our natural environment safely. Pedestrians, cyclists, runners, hikers, and mountain bikers are using our paths and trails in increased numbers as we practice physical distancing and avoid gathering in groups. Trail etiquette helps us share the space and show respect for others, and it can also help us keep everyone safe as we work to slow down the spread of COVID-19. 

Here are a few tips: 

Keep your distance
Maintain physical distancing by staying two metres (six feet) apart from anyone who is not a member of your household. This includes avoiding group rides or hikes, and avoiding congregating at trail junction points. 

Obey the one-way trail routes
The gravel Shoreline Trail and the Bert Flinn Loop Trail are now one-way trails. Plan your route accordingly. 

Consider alternate routes and times
If possible, avoid using popular trails and paths during the busiest times of day, or explore a lesser known area. 

Keep your dog leashed
Keep your dog on leash unless in a designated off-leash area. 

Be aware of others
Travel at a safe speed and anticipate others around corners and blind spots. Let others know you are coming by giving a friendly greeting or ringing a bell. Both are considerate, work well, and don’t startle others. 

Pass safely
On shared trails, mountain bikers and cyclists yield to hikers and pedestrians. When passing on the left, slow down or come to a complete stop, allowing enough time and space for others to re-orient themselves on the trail. 

Keep to the right and walk single file
When on the trail with your family, allow other users enough space to maintain two metres of physical distance. Keep to the right and walk single file if passing others.

Stay on trail
Whenever possible, stay on the designated trail to avoid causing further degradation to the forest or altering the trail route.

Be prepared for wildlife
Be ready for potential encounters with wildlife, including bears. As you move through the trails, give animals warning and enough room to adjust to your presence by talking or making noise. Find out more about how to manage wildlife encounters at

When in doubt, be respectful, courteous, and kind – we are all in this together. 

The City is continuously monitoring information about COVID-19 coming from public health authorities and makes decisions about City parks, paths, and trails with the health and safety of its residents in mind. Visit for more information.