Several recent fires in the province have been linked to carelessly discarded cigarettes. Port Moody Fire Chief, Remo Faedo wants to remind residents and visitors that smoking is strictly prohibited in City parks and on City trails. “Smoking is not permitted in our parks at any time, but with the current extreme fire hazard conditions, it’s critical that people refrain from smoking in these vulnerable areas.”

Port Moody Fire Rescue recently announced an open fire burning restriction within the boundaries of the City of Port Moody. Prohibited activities include campfires; barbeques in City parks that require the use of charcoal, briquettes, or wood; tiki torches; fireworks; firecrackers; and sky lanterns.

Fire Chief Remo also wants to remind people to be vigilant when discarding cigarettes to ensure they are extinguished properly, and to be cautious with any potential fire hazards. “If you see, or suspect a fire, call 911 immediately.”

Port Moody Fire Rescue maintains a four-step fire hazard rating with signage displayed at the northwest corner of Ioco Road and Murray Street. This rating has been elevated to “extreme”.