City to open cooling centres and provide misting tents during heat wave

Environment Canada has issued a heat wave alert starting Thursday, July 29, 2021 and lasting into the weekend. The City will open two cooling centres and provide misting tents to help vulnerable residents cope with the higher temperatures. 

From July 29 to July 31, 20201, between the hours of 11am and 6pm, you can:

  • visit one of our cooling centres located at the Port Moody Recreation Complex (300 Ioco Road) and the Civic Centre Galleria (100 Newport Drive); or
  • stop by one of our misting tents set up at Old Orchard Park (630 Alderside Road), Pioneer Memorial Park (275 Knowle Street), PoMo Rotary SK8 Park (2910 Murray Street), and Westhill Park (203 Westhill Place). 

A cooling centre is an air-conditioned public space set up temporarily as a place where people can sit down and take a break from the higher temperatures experienced outdoors or indoors in spaces without fans or air conditioning. The City of Port Moody opens cooling centres when Environment Canada issues a heat warning for the Metro Vancouver region. If you are visiting our cooling centre with your pet, please note that dogs must be on a leash at all times.

Heat exhaustion or heat stroke can happen to anyone who stays in the summer heat and sun for too long. Regardless of your age or fitness level, follow these tips to stay safe:

  • drink plenty of cool fluids – this is the most important step you can take;
  • bring a water bottle with you if you head outdoors;
  • avoid being outside during the hottest part of the day;
  • seek out air-conditioned spaces whenever possible;
  • know the humidex rating – it combines the temperature and humidity to indicate how hot, humid weather feels to the average person;
  • wear a hat and light, loose clothing so that air can circulate; and
  • apply sunscreen if you are heading outdoors, as sunburned skin reduces the body’s ability to cool itself. 

Look for symptoms of heat illness such as:

  • dizziness or fainting
  • nausea or vomiting
  • rapid breathing and heartbeat
  • extreme thirst
  • confusion or changes in behaviour 

If you think someone might have heat stroke, call 9-1-1. 


  • don't leave children or pets in hot vehicles, no matter how short the stop; and
  • be sure to check on vulnerable family members, friends, or neighbours. 

Here are some additional ways to stay cool in Port Moody:

  • fill up your water bottle at a temporary, hands-free filling station (installed temporarily when the forecast calls for extreme heat) located at Rocky Point Park, near the spray park and washrooms;
  • find a shady spot in one of our quieter parks, like Westhill, Pioneer Memorial, Flavelle, or Cedarwood;
  • walk among the trees along the Shoreline Trail or in Bert Flinn Park;
  • book a swim time at Rocky Point Pool or Westhill Pool; or
  • bring the kids to one of our spray parks (don’t forget the hats and sunscreen!). 

Find more tips and links to additional resources at