The City of Port Moody is seeking input from stakeholder groups and the general public in the development of an Arts and Culture Master Plan that will help shape cultural events, programs, and services over the next 10 years. 

The City is working with consultants from MDB Insight to engage Port Moody residents, along with local and external arts, culture, and heritage stakeholders. 

Consultation activities will include:

  • A telephone survey, conducted by Forum Research, of at least 300 randomly-selected Port Moody residents (starting November 1, 2016 and ending on or before December 2, 2016);
  • Interviews with members of the business community, City of Port Moody staff, and local and external arts, culture, and heritage stakeholders (November 2016);
  • A public forum, with the opportunity to fill out a survey on paper or online (Wednesday, December 7, 2016 from 7-9pm at Old Orchard Hall, 646 Bentley Road; online survey available at from December 8, 2016 to January 31, 2017); and
  • Focus groups with City Council, the Arts and Culture Committee, City staff, and arts and culture stakeholders from Port Moody and the Tri-Cities area (December 2016). 

The goal of the consultation activities is to determine satisfaction levels with current arts and culture programs in Port Moody, find out what kind of programs people would like to see in the future, and obtain feedback on possible gaps in services or barriers to participation. Input from the public will feed directly into the formation of a draft Arts and Culture Master Plan, which will be presented to Council for their consideration in spring 2017. For more information, please call City Hall at 604-469-4500.