The City of Port Moody is now accepting applications for the Community Grant Program, which provides financial assistance to community groups and non-profit organizations that contribute to the general interest and benefit of local residents and businesses. Organizations interested in applying for City funds must fill out and submit an application form by Wednesday, January 31, 2018. 

To be eligible for consideration, an application must meet the qualifications outlined in the City’s Grants to Organizations policy. The policy and application form are available at Applicants may submit an electronic copy of their completed form via email to, or a paper copy to the general manager of finance and technology (City Hall, 100 Newport Drive). All forms must be received by January 31, 2018. 

The following general principles may be used to determine funding allocations:

  • the availability of funds budgeted for grants and donations;
  • the extent to which a demonstrated need in the community will be addressed and to which the City’s corporate goals and objectives are met;
  • the degree to which the grant will promote the well-being and quality of life of Port Moody residents;
  • the extent to which the organization has attempted to obtain other sources of funding, e.g. through corporate sponsorships or fundraising campaigns;
  • the extent to which the funds are expended in Port Moody;
  • the needs of the organization requesting funding;
  • the extent to which any benefits will be directed towards youth, people with disabilities, and seniors;
  • and the extent to which volunteers are involved and community spirit is fostered. 

In 2018, there will be $19,000 available for grant awards ($17,000 available for requests made by the January 31 deadline, and a 10 per cent hold-back – $1,900 – available for emergency requests). The number of grants awarded will depend on the value of the requests. For example, if the City receives a number of high-value requests, fewer grants may be awarded. 

Based on feedback from the public, the process for awarding community grants has changed since the January 2017 intake. There will be no public presentation of applications and no public vote in 2018. Instead, all eligible applications will be forwarded to Port Moody’s Citizen Advisory Group (CAG) for their consideration. The CAG is made up of more than 250 Port Moody residents of all ages who volunteer their time to provide input on City issues. 

CAG members will review eligible applications and make a recommendation to Council as to which applications should be approved. Council will approve all final awards. In the case of ties or excess funding, Council will use their discretion to allocate the funds.