Trees in potted containers

About Take Root Port Moody 

The aim of Take Root Port Moody is to encourage tree planting on private land. To make tree planting easier, we are providing ready-to-plant trees at no cost to Port Moody residents. 

You can help improve Port Moody’s tree canopy, which in turn strengthens our community’s climate resilience and overall health and well-being. Planting trees is an important action that helps us meet the goals in our Urban Forest Management Strategy and Climate Action Plan

Free tree giveaways 

Our tree giveaways are now closed for 2024. Thank you to everyone who took the time to pick up a tree.

Species Type



Sester Dwarf Blue Spruce


Chase Manhattan Ginkgo


Japanese Snowbell


Black Dragon Cryptomeria


Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry


Colossus Magnolia


Persian Ironwood


Judy Zuk Magnolia


Saratoga Ginkgo


Douglas Fir

Eligibility and considerations

  • The tree giveaway is open to Port Moody residents only. Identification with proof of residency such as a driver’s license or recent utility bill will be required.
  • There is a limit of one tree per household. Trees are available while supplies last.
  • If applicable, please check with the owner of the property where you reside or your strata to determine if tree planting is permitted.
  • Take Root trees cannot be used to satisfy the replacement tree requirements for a tree removal permit.
  • Consider how much time and physical capacity you have to look after a tree. Trees need to be pruned, mulched, and cleared of leaves periodically.
 How to plant a tree

1. Carefully choose where to plant your tree.

Think about the expected size of your tree at maturity, and species preferences for sunlight levels (see the species overview sheet for details). Plant your tree:

At least 1 metre (m) away from:

  • all property lines
  • underground utilities
  • hardscaping such as driveway, patio, walkways, and retaining walls

At least 3 metres (m) away from:

  • another tree
  • BC Hydro lines
  • structures such as your house, garage, pool, or deck

2. Prepare the soil for planting.

  • Locate any underground utilities on your property by calling BC1Call (1-800-474-6886)
  • Break up compacted soil in an area that is 5-10 times the size of your tree’s container
  • Dig a planting hole that is at least twice the width of your tree’s container (a large planting hole allows for better root growth, particularly in more compacted soils)
  • The depth of your planting hole should be no deeper than the height of the tree’s root ball to the trunk flare
  • Your final planting hole should be roughly the same width at the top and the bottom of the hole

3. Prepare your tree for planting.

  • Remove your tree from its container
  • Gently straighten any roots that were growing around the inside of the container

4. Plant your tree.

  • Place the tree into the planting hole
  • Add soil around the tree’s root ball until the planting hole is filled halfway to the top
  • Lightly tamp down the soil added into the planting hole with your foot to remove any air pockets (the soil around the tree should be firm but not packed too tightly)
  • Make sure that the tree is standing up straight and not leaning
  • Water the planting hole slowly to saturate the soil and remove any remaining air pockets
  • Finish filling the hole with soil
  • Check that the trunk flare of the tree is at ground level or slightly higher
  • Complete the planting by watering the soil that was just added to fill the hole (do not mound any extra soil around the tree)

5. Care for your tree.

  • Water your new tree regularly to ensure it does not dry out
  • Mulch can be added around your newly planted tree to keep soil moist and healthy, but be sure to keep it 2–4 centimetres (cm) away from the trunk of the tree to help avoid soil compaction and root suffocation

Download our "How to Plant a Tree" fact sheet.

 Watering your tree
When watering your tree, water slowly to allow the water to soak deeper into the ground. Allowing water to soak deep into the ground encourages the growth of a healthy root system.

Water your tree even if it rains. During summer months, check if there are any watering restrictions in effect. The small amount of rain that occurs is generally not enough for newly planted trees.

 Applying mulch to your tree
Mulch keeps the soil around your tree cool and moist for longer periods of time, reducing the amount of water needed. It also improves soil health by providing nutrients.

Appropriate mulch materials include fresh woodchips, bark nuggets, composted leaves, and pine needles.

Ensure that there is a 2–4 cm gap between mulch and the trunk of your tree, as applying mulch against the trunk of you tree retains too much moisture against the trunk and can cause disease or decay issues.

Mulch should extend in a radius of approximately 3 feet from the trunk of the tree.
Mulch layer should be 5–10 cm thick. As the mulch layer slowly decomposes, additional mulch should be added to maintain this thickness.

 Why plant trees? 

Trees offer amazing benefits. They can:

  • improve water and air quality by filtering out pollutants
  • provide wildlife habitat which helps support increased biodiversity
  • strengthen our connection to nature, which helps reduce stress
  • provide shade which helps cool the surrounding area
  • reduce costs associated with heating and cooling nearby buildings
  • increase property values

Do you need more information?
