The Shoreline Trail Sanitary Sewer Upgrades Project will upgrade two aging sanitary sewer mains located along the north side of the Shoreline Trail. These sewer mains are critical components of our sanitary sewer network. The project also includes upgrades to the Shoreline Trail between Murray Street and Old Orchard Park. Additionally, the bridge over Noons Creek will be replaced. Construction is expected from May 2022 through to summer 2024. This project was funded in part by a grant from Trans Canada Trail to enhance our local section of Canada’s national trail and is co-funded by TransLink’s Walking Infrastructure to Transit Program. 

Project update

The Shoreline Trail multi-use path is once again open.

Project timeline

complete Complete

  • May 2022 - Construction of Shoreline Trail detour
  • June 2022 - Phase 1 construction starts (sanitary sewer upgrades)
  • March 2023 - Phase 1 construction ends (sanitary sewer upgrades)
  • April 2024 - Phase 2 paving
  • April - October 2024 Finishing touches

not started Upcoming

  • Paving a small section of the trail

Project details

Phase 2 of the Shoreline Trail Sanitary Sewer Upgrades Project concentrates on improvements to the section of the paved pathway, offering benefits including:

  • widening of some parts of the pathway as well as installation of a new asphalt surface and improved drainage;
  • the addition of new benches, wayfinding signs, and interpretive signs; and
  • improvements to environmental and riparian areas.
  • enhanced safety and durability with a new bridge over Noons Creek

Phase 1 work began in July 2022 and came to an end in March 2023 with the completion of upgrades to two aging sanitary sewer mains that are critical components of Port Moody’s sanitary sewer network. The City would like to thank residents and visitors for their continued patience and understanding during this lengthy and complex project.

Missed our information session? View a PDF of the presentation slides.

Stakeholder engagement

In developing this project, we have engaged with the following stakeholder groups:

  • Parks and Recreation Committee
  • Seniors Focus Group
  • HUB - Tri-Cities Group
  • Environmental Protection Committee
  • Environmental Stewardship Groups
  • Canadian Pacific Railway
  • Transportation Committee

In addition, the City conducted a public survey about potential Shoreline Trail improvements in August 2020. City staff presented a report seeking funding for the recommended options for the rehabilitation of the shoreline trail sanitary sewers and pathway (Item 4.2) at the November 3, 2020 Regular Council Meeting. The report included an attachment summarizing the feedback received via the survey. City staff presented a second report seeking funding for the recommended project options to Council at the November 24, 2020 Regular Council Meeting.

Environmental impact

The project area has significant environmental and wildlife value including intact riparian habitat, large urban forests, and salmon-bearing creeks. As part of the sewer replacement project, the environmental features have been mapped and catalogued to understand potential impacts the projects may have on these sensitive habitats. 

The area is archaeologically sensitive and archaeological investigations have taken place to guide the project design. Additionally, monitoring will continue during construction to further mitigate the risk of encountering archaeologically sensitive material.

Furthermore, as part of the tree and brush removal process, the City is taking measures to comply with the Migratory Bird Act. These measures involve conducting surveys to detect active nests and taking precautions to prevent any disturbance to them. The removal of the brush will encompass the forest undergrowth, invasive species (excluding knotweed), and small trees with a trunk diameter at breast height of less than 10 cm. The clearing will not affect the heron colony buffer zone and the 30-metre riparian area buffer zones around Noons Creek and Suter Brook Creek, as per regulations.


Shoreline Trail, between Murray Street and Old Orchard Park

Shoreline Trail map


Project Engineer