Junior Firefighter Program

April 23 - April 25, 2025

The Coquitlam School District is very excited to partner with Port Moody Fire Rescue​ to offer a firefighter acade​my again in 2025!  It is open to SD43 high school students currently in grades 11 and 12.

The Junior Firefighting Programs will give the applicants a true understanding of the basic components both physical and educational of Fire Rescue’s basic training for new recruits.  The educational component will test the applicant’s knowledge learned in the classroom of firefighting equipment, fire behaviour, the fire tetrahedron and the products of combustion, to name a few.  The practical component of the program will test the applicant’s strength, endurance and teamwork skills.  Some examples may include: dragging charged hose lines, carrying ladders in a group, climbing the four-story hose tower and cutting up cars in teams using the “Jaws of Life”.

The Port Moody academy will​ be accepting 6 students and will run for 4 days (8.00am to 6.00pm) at the Inlet Centre Fire Hall located at 150 Newport Drive, Port Moody. There will be a few more days before/after attached to this academy, those will be updated later.

There are three phases to being accepted: ​"completed (fillable .pdf) ​paper application", "fitness test" and "personal interview​". A student must successfully complete all three components if they are to be considered for one of the 16 spots. It is a wonderful opportunity and ​experience! 

The application form for Spring 2025 academy will be available on November 1, 2024. 

2025 Junior Firefighter Program Flyer

Junior Firefighters Holding HoseAuto Extrication