The City of Port Moody is committed to purchasing quality products and services that are economically responsible. This ensures that we provide our tax payers with the best value. We work with environmentally conscious and ethical companies and contractors. Review our purchasing policy and contractor requirements to see if your company is interested in doing work for the City.
Current bid opportunities
Check out and register with BC Bid and Bids and Tenders for all current bid opportunities for the City of Port Moody.
Interested in doing business with the City
We don't keep a suppliers list, but you are invited to tell us about your company and marketing information by sending us an email.
Requirements for contractors
Port Moody requires the following minimum documentation if you are providing services to the City:
- Federal, provincial, or municipal permits when applicable
- Comprehensive General Liability insurance in an amount no less than $5,000,000 covering bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, including non-owned automobile, cross-liability and liability insurance. The City of Port moody must be added as an additional insured under this policy.
- Professional Liability in an amount no less than $2,000,000 insuring the Contractor's liability resulting from errors and omissions in the performance of professional services under the contract
- Automobile Liability on all vehicles owned, operated or licensed in the name of the Contractor in an amount not less than $2,000,000
The minimum requirements may vary depending of the specific requirements of the project.
Contractors working on property owned by the City are required to go through the City Contractor coordination program. You are required to complete the following forms prior to starting the work:
- City of Port Moody Sample Service Contract
- WorkSafe BC Coverage Compliance Letter
- Port Moody Business licence
- Occupational Health & Safety Acknowledgement – Single Contractor
- Occupational Health & Safety Acknowledgement – Prime Contractor (if required)
- City of Port Moody Sample Privacy Protection Schedule (if required)
Invoice requirements
If you do work for the City of Port Moody, you will be required to complete an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Application form. Approved payments for invoices will be electronically transferred to the bank account supplied. Also, a document indicating the amount paid and the invoice will be emailed to your place of business.Submit invoices to the City by email or mail them to:
Accounts Payable Division
100 Newport Dr.
Port Moody, BC V3H 5C3
Purchasing Policy
Review our Purchasing Policy for a detailed description of all of our purchasing requirements and guidelines. Port Moody actively promotes an open, fair, and competitive purchasing environment that considers past performance, quality, delivery, and value added features. This allows the City to deliver quality services to the residents of Port Moody in an efficient and cost effective manner.
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