Climate Action Plan thumbnailPort Moody’s Climate Action Plan (PDF) is a community-wide plan that outlines actions to help the City and its residents adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) that contribute to the warming of the Earth.

The Climate Action Plan considers both aspects of climate change planning: mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation – working to reduce or prevent the emission of GHGs – is an important part of responding to climate change. However, even if we significantly reduced GHG emissions overnight, the effects of climate change would continue to be felt by future generations for a long time to come. That’s why our Climate Action Plan also focuses on adaptation measures, which will help us adjust to our new normal in Port Moody and reduce our vulnerability to the harmful effects of climate change. 

This low carbon resilience (LCR) approach demonstrates that adaptation and mitigation are two sides of the same coin; both are proactive responses that minimize the risks of climate change and build resilience into the future. Integrating the two at all levels of policy, planning and practice will align climate action goals and advance the transition toward a more energy efficient, resilient, and sustainable future.

Implementation strategies

Following adoption of the Plan by Council in summer 2020, we assembled a Phase One Climate Action Implementation Strategy to outline actions to initiate and undertake in the first and second year of Plan implementation. 

Phase One implementation highlights:

  • 42% (23 out of 54) of the Climate Action Plan’s actions will be initiated within the first two years of implementation, with actions initiated in each Focus Area
  • 48% (11 out of 23) of the phase one actions will require additional funding
  • 52% (12 out of 23) of the phase one actions are already funded or do not require additional funding
  • 30% (6 out of 20) of the 2021 initiated phase one actions have been incorporated in the 2021 municipal budget
  • 10% (2 out of 20) of the 2021 initiated phase one actions will come forward as separate funding requests outside of the municipal budgeting process
  • 23,100 hours of lead staff time are anticipated to undertake the phase one actions
  • 4 new staff will be required to implement phase one actions and support ongoing climate action:
    • 2 seasonal staff under the Environment and Parks division; 1 temporary full time staff under the Infrastructure Engineering Services division; and 1 temporary full time staff under the Policy Planning division
  • 60% (14 out of 23) of the phase one actions are already underway


Read the 2021 Phase One Implementation Strategy (PDF)

Read the 2023-2024 Phase Two Implementation Strategy (PDF)


Implementation annual reports 

Climate Action Plan Implementation 2023 Annual Report - Phase Two, Year One

Climate Action Plan Implementation 2022 Annual Report - Phase One, Year Two

Climate Action Plan Implementation 2021 Annual Report - Phase One

Climate Ready Homes and Buildings Plan

One of the key recommendations in our Climate Action Plan is the development a Climate Ready Homes and Buildings Plan. Buildings are a vital part of our community – they provide shelter as well as spaces for recreation, gathering, and obtaining goods and services. And they account for 46 per cent of our community's GHG emissions. 

Our Climate Ready Homes and Buildings Plan, endorsed by City Council in September 2022, outlines specific actions the municipality, residents, and business owners can take to make homes and buildings in Port Moody climate ready. What is “climate ready”? A climate ready home or building is one that has been designed or modified to:

  • meet low carbon and high energy-efficiency standards; and
  • manage many of the risks related to climate change such as heat-related illness, poor indoor air quality, or damage from flooding or windstorms. 

We engaged with stakeholders, businesses, and residents in the development of the plan to outline a pathway to achieve GHG emissions reduction targets and protect homes and businesses against the changing climate. Read the plan to learn about:

  • policy actions that will help us achieve low-carbon resilient new, existing, and municipal buildings;
  • the impact that policy actions will have on climate targets; and
  • how the actions can be targeted to prioritize vulnerable neighbourhoods and groups of people.
Coastal Flood Management Strategy

As a coastal community, Port Moody is already feeling the impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels and increased risk of coastal flooding. The City is developing a coastal flood management strategy to help our community understand and adapt to these changes.   

Port Moody’s Climate Action Plan identified the need to develop a coastal flood management strategy to meet two specific goals:

  • incorporate climate change risks and vulnerability assessments into land use planning and development; and
  • manage shoreline erosion from sea level rise and coastal flooding. 

Why is this strategy important? It will help us:

  • protect our community: understand what the community can do to increase resiliency and help to protect homes, businesses, and public spaces;
  • plan for the future: incorporate climate change risks into land use and development planning; and
  • preserve our shoreline: manage erosion and protect natural habitats along the coastline.  


Developing a coastal flood management strategy involves five phases:  

coastal flood stragegy stages

  • Phase 1 – coastal flood context – completed
  • Phase 2 – coastal flood maps – completed
  • Phase 3 – exposure risk and vulnerability assessment – in progress
  • Phase 4 – adaptation, prioritization, and strategy – spring 2025
  • Phase 5 – final Coastal Flood Management Strategy – summer 2025

 This process will include an education outreach and engagement program, which we anticipate will begin in spring 2025. 

When completed, the Coastal Flood Management Strategy will outline a set of measures to help us adapt to coastal flooding, increase the community’s resilience, and preserve our coastline.

Extreme Weather Resilience Plan

The Climate Action Plan identified the need to develop an Extreme Weather Resilience plan to meet two specific goals:

  • ensure all members of the community have equal access to information, support, and resources related to preparing for climate change impacts; and
  • ensure the City is ready to respond to climate-related hazards, such as flooding, wildfires, and extreme heat. 

Our Extreme Weather Resilience Plan, endorsed by City Council in September 2022, considers current and future climate projections, assesses vulnerabilities, and identifies short-, medium- and long-term solutions to reduce or eliminate future impacts. 

We engaged with a broad range of stakeholders in the development of this plan, which outlines a set of measures to adapt to the changing climate and increase the City’s resilience. Read the Extreme Weather and Resilience Plan to learn about the recommended measures and how they could be implemented.

GHG Reduction Pathways Feasibility Study
GHG Reduction Pathways Feasibility Study - Final Report
Zero Emission Mobility Plan
In recognition of the Global Climate Emergency, the Tri-Cities (City of Port Moody, City of Coquitlam, and City of Port Coquitlam) acknowledge the imperative to reduce emissions and prepare for a changing climate through the Tri-Cities Zero Emission Mobility Plan (PDF) that itemizes far reaching yet practical steps the communities should take, especially in the near term.
Public engagement

We sought public input in the development of the Climate Action Plan. We started with a community brainstorming session in May 2019, when we asked participants to come up with ideas for actions that could be taken by individuals, business, or local government to address climate change. Ideas generated by the public were considered by members of staff and the Climate Action Committee as they developed a list of proposed actions that could be included in a draft Climate Action Plan. 

In November 2019, we asked residents to share their thoughts on the list of proposed actions and tell us about any obstacles or barriers that could prevent us from taking specific actions. Public feedback collected through this process informed the development of a draft Climate Action Plan, which was endorsed by Council on July 21, 2020.  

public engagement summary thumbnailView the Public Engagement Summary – Climate Action Plan (PDF).

Declaration of climate emergency

To fight climate change, we need to treat it like what it is: an emergency. That’s why our Council declared a climate emergency (PDF) and asked City staff to include the following six actions in our Climate Action Plan: 

  • aim to have 90% of all new residents live within an easy walk of their daily needs;
  • accelerate our goal of having 40% of trips in the City made by walking, biking, or transit by 2030, and continue to champion regional transit initiatives;
  • have 50% of all cars driven on City roads be zero emissions vehicles by 2030;
  • aim to have all heating and hot water systems in new buildings produce zero emissions by 2025 and have existing heating and hot water systems utilize the most low-emission technology available upon replacement;
  • by 2030, reduce the carbon content of new buildings and construction projects by 40% (compared to 2018); and
  • include targets for enhancement, including opportunities for creek daylighting/enhancement, foreshore protection and enhancement, establishing connectivity between Environmentally Sensitive Areas (ESAs) and enhancing forest health in the City’s ESA Management Strategy, and developing an urban forestry strategy that will move towards achieving the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) goals.

We’re also committed to updating our corporate and community GHG emission targets to be in line with those identified by the IPCC in their special report titled Global Warming of 1.5 °C, released in 2018. The report states that emissions must decline by 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 in order to avoid severe climate change impacts.

How you can help
Our Climate Action Plan is an important step as Port Moody works to adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But the individual actions of one person, or the joint efforts of one family, are also important. The Cool It! Climate Leadership Training program, developed by the BC Sustainable Energy Association for students in grades 4 through 7, promotes a list of 23 actions (PDFP) that can be taken by individuals and families to reduce their energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Choose a few of the actions and get started today – you can can make a difference!