The provincial government has set a goal to make buildings net-zero-energy ready by 2032. The BC Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code will help British Columbia achieve this goal by increasing energy-efficiency requirements and reducing operational carbon in buildings through the BC Building Code

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New requirements for building permits filed on or after January 1, 2025

On September 24, 2024, Council adopted amendments to the building bylaw. The bylaw implements a timeline and framework to reach the highest steps of both the BC Energy Step Code and the Zero Carbon Step Code ahead of the provincial timeline. This approach will serve two functions:

  1. long-term reduction of carbon emissions (Zero Carbon Step Code)
  2. reduction of energy consumption (Energy Step Code)

The timeline aligns with the action needed to meet the emission reduction targets outlined in the City’s Climate Action Plan and Climate Ready Homes and Buildings Plan.

The two tables below show the adoption timelines for Part 9 and Part 3 buildings.

 Part 9 buildings (residential)

Building type

January 1, 2024 January 1, 2025 January 1, 2027 January 1, 2030 (Provincial timeline)
Single- or Two-Family Dwellings Step 4
No carbon requirements  
Step 4
EL-4 Zero Carbon Ready  
Step 5
EL-4 Zero Carbon Ready  
Step 5
EL-4 Zero Carbon Ready  
Laneway and Carriage Dwellings
Townhomes and Apartment Buildings, up to three storeys

Building permits received on or after the dates noted above are subject to the new requirements.

EL-4 Zero Carbon Ready = Space, water, and cooking must be zero carbon.

Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code requirements as per BC Building Code, Article 9.36.6 and of Division B (as amended from time to time).

 Part 3 buildings
Building type

January 1, 2025

January 1, 2025

January 1, 2027

January 1, 2030 (Provincial timeline)

Group C: Residential Occupancies, six storeys or less


Step 3 or Step 2 with LCES (EL-2)





Step 3
EL-4 Zero Carbon Ready







Step 4
EL-4 Zero Carbon Ready







Step 4
EL-4 Zero Carbon Ready







Group C: Residential Occupancies, six storeys or more


Group C: Hotels and Motels


Step 2


Group D Offices (Businesses and Personal Services) Step 2

Step 2
EL-4 Zero Carbon Ready


Step 3
EL-4 Zero Carbon Ready


Step 3
EL-4 Zero Carbon Ready


Other Group D and E (Mercantile) Occupancies Step 2

In-stream rezoning applications that have progressed to first reading by December 31, 2024, are not subject to the new requirements. These projects would proceed through the development approval and building permit process according to the current requirements for building energy efficiency and carbon performance.

LCES = Low Carbon Energy System - equivalent to Emission Level (EL-2) of the Zero Carbon Step Code.

Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code requirements as per BC Building Code, Subsection 10.2 and 10.3 of Division B (as amended from time to time).

Building types and occupancies not included in the above table are required to comply with the BC Building Code requirements for energy efficiency and carbon performance.

Compliance requirements and resources

Compliance requirements

Development applications are subject to Port Moody's BC Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code Corporate Policy (PDF) and Building Bylaw No. 3200.

Compliance forms
Training opportunities

Part 9 builders and tradespeople are encouraged to attend a hands-on airtightness workshop and demonstration course. BC Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code training opportunities are listed on the BC Green Building Events Calendar

Working with an energy advisor

Energy advisors are registered third-party consultants who are licensed by Natural Resources Canada to deliver the EnerGuide Rating System. An energy advisor can provide both energy modelling and airtightness testing – the two compliance services needed to demonstrate compliance under the BC Energy Step Code for Part 9 buildings. For more information on energy advisors, including guidance for finding one for your project, visit Canadian Association of Consulting Energy Advisors or Energy Step Code Energy Advisor webpage.

Incentives for builders

We offer an incentive program, funded by BC Hydro, for mid-construction airtightness tests for Part 9 buildings. The purpose of this rebate program is to help local Part 9 building teams gain the knowledge and skills necessary to build airtight homes that will meet current and future requirements of the BC Energy Step Code.

Rebate Program for Mid-Construction Airtightness Tests

There are two streams for rebate applications:

  1. new Part 9 construction nearing the mid-construction (pre-drywall) inspection stage; and
  2. existing Part 9 buildings, including a variety of existing Part 9 archetypes that are at the final inspection stage or have achieved occupancy within the last 12 months of the rebate application date. 

Rebates will be issued as coupons to be used for a mid-construction airtightness test with a Certified Energy Advisor (streams 1 and 2) or a Qualified Modeller (stream 2 only).

Stream 1 applicants, please email with the building permit number associated with your project to verify eligibility. Your project may be eligible if:

  • address of construction is located in the City of Port Moody;
  • building of construction is considered a Part 9 building according to the BC Building Code definition; and
  • project address must have applied, or will be applying shortly, for a building permit where the project will be nearing the pre-drywall inspection phase within three months.

Stream 2 applicants, please email with a request to participate in the rebate program. Eligibility requirements include:

  • address of building is located in the City of Port Moody;
  • building is considered a Part 9 building according to the BC Building Code definition (proof must be submitted (e.g. photo, previous City building permit number, building plans); and
  • homeowner and/or current occupant has provided written permission to conduct airtightness testing. 

City staff will respond to your email to let you know if you are eligible and to provide you with further information and instructions for the rebate program. Please note that we have a limited number of coupons available. Coupons will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis and they are not transferable. One coupon will be issued per project. You must submit all required documentation to redeem a coupon. 

To learn more about other types of incentive programs, visit Better Homes BCBetter Buildings BC, and the Province's BC Energy Step Code and Zero Carbon Step Code | Energy Step Code websites.

If you have questions or need more information, please contact the Building Division at