Port Moody's Zoning Bylaw regulates land use within the City. The Zoning Bylaw divides the City into zones, and each zone has a list of permitted uses and rules about how properties in that zone may be developed. 

Zoning map

Use the interactive ViewPort map to see the zoning designation that applies to your property. In the layers legend, ensure you click the check boxes next to ‘Planning’ and 'Zoning', then the relevant layers below it to turn on/off the visibility of the zoning layers.

Refer to the Zoning Bylaw for the legal definition of zoning districts.

Zone designations

  • single detached residential districts (RS zones)
  • multi-residential districts (RT and RM zones)
  • commercial districts (C zones)
  • commercial and residential mixed use districts (TC and CRM zones)
  • industrial districts (M zones)
  • institutional districts (P zones)
  • comprehensive development districts (CD zones)

Zoning regulations

When building on your property, you must follow zoning regulations. They are a set of rules that specify how a property may be developed and used. You should know the zoning regulations prior to applying for a development application, business licence, or building permit. Each zone designation in Port Moody has unique details that regulate the following items:

  •  uses that are permitted on the land
  • density of permitted land use (e.g. regulates the floor area of buildings and structures)
  • siting, size, and dimensions of the buildings and structures
  • dimensions and area of all parcels of land created by a subdivision

The Zoning Bylaw also includes specific requirements for the following items:

  • off-street parking and loading
  • electric vehicle parking
  • adaptable units
  • density bonusing
  • cannabis retail use

Amendments and minor variances

If you do not meet a regulation outlined in the Zoning Bylaw, you may need to apply for a minor variance or a Zoning Bylaw amendment. Variance applications can be made through our Board of Variance, or a Development Variance Permit application. See OCP Amendment/Rezoning to learn how you can apply for a Zoning Bylaw amendment.

 OCP icon  Read the Zoning Bylaw

OCP icon  Read the Official Community Plan

 map icon See property zoning on ViewPort