Last updated date October 2024


At the end of 2023, the Provincial government passed Bill 47 – Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Areas) Amendment Act, 2023 which requires municipalities to designate Transit Oriented Development Areas (TOAs) near transit hubs to permit housing developments that meet the minimum density framework for allowable height and density. The framework creates a tier system (based on distance from the transit centre) that defines standards such as minimum allowable density and heights and removes minimum parking requirements for off-street residential. The goal is to create mixed-use, complete communities in these areas.

In July 2024, the Port Moody Council approved City of Port Moody Transit-Oriented Areas Designation Bylaw, 2024, No. 3465 which designated the TOAs for Moody Centre and Inlet Centre Skytrain Stations. Minimum residential off-street parking requirements were also eliminated. For more details, please refer to the June 18, 2024 Special Council meeting package.  

Under Bill 47, all lands currently zoned for residential or mixed residential uses and located within 800 metres of Moody Centre or Inlet Centre Skytrain Station can now allow for the following minimum densities and heights set out by the Province:


Prescribed Distance

Minimum Allowable Density (FAR)

Minimum Allowable Height (Storeys)

Example of building type


200m or less

Up to 5.0

Up to 20

Apartment Tower


201m to 400m

Up to 4.0

Up to 12

High-rise or mid-rise


401m to 800m

Up to 3.0

Up to 8


Impact to Port Moody

Moody Centre and Inlet Centre SkyTrain stations are both subject to the Transit-Oriented Area framework. The legislative framework applies to these areas as of December 7, 2023. Any new development applications within the tiers will be subject to this legislative framework.

Based on this framework, it is intended that lots within the Transit-Oriented Areas will see higher density development, fewer restrictions on off-street residential parking for new developments, and a faster development process for projects that meet the framework designated by the Province.


Transit oriented development areas - Province of British Columbia (

FAQs Transit Oriented Development (

Transit-Oriented Area map (PDF) (

Provincial Housing Statutes Online Mapping

City of Port Moody Transit-Oriented Areas Designation Bylaw, 2024, No. 3465

Next steps

  • The City is currently working on a TOA Design Guidelines and Development Framework expected to be completed by December 2024.
  • The City’s Official Community Plan will be updated to reflect the Transit-Oriented Area framework by December 31, 2025.

Commonly asked questions for TOA

Q. Can the City review my preliminary plans for a TOA development?
A. The City only reviews and provides comments on active development plans that have formal development application submissions. Please visit the development application page to complete your submission. 

Q. Is my property eligible for TOA? What is the minimum density applied to my property?
A: Please visit Provincial Housing Statutes Online Mapping to see if your property falls within the TOA. While the search by address function is not available, you can match the property location in the online map to the Transit-Oriented Area map (PDF) ( to confirm the applicable minimum density or height for your property.

Q. What other Development Permit requirements or regulations will apply to building in the TOA?
A. Existing guidelines, such as the Port Moody Official Community Plan, the Moody Centre Transit-Oriented Development Area Guidance Framework Corporate Policy and the Zoning Bylaw No.2937, will still apply. The City is working on a TOA Design Guidelines and Development Framework for that will be published in early 2025.

Q. Can I build a laneway or accessory dwelling unit on my TOA property?
A: Yes, if your current zoning allows for these uses.

Q. Can each unit be stratified and sold separately?
A. Yes.

Q. Is SSMUH allowed in the TOA?
A. No, the TOA areas are exempt from SSMUH as directed by the Province.

Q. Are exemptions allowed in TOAs?
A. Heritage properties that are part of a Heritage Revitalization Agreement or are designated by a municipal bylaw qualify for the exemption and are shown in the yellow colour on the Provincial Housing Statutes Online Mapping ( map.  Those properties listed as protected in a Heritage Conservation Area do not qualify for a TOA exemption. Properties zoned Industrial (M1 and M2 in the Zoning Bylaw) were also exempted from the Minimum Density Framework by the provincial legislation.

Q. What is the development permit process?
A. The development application process remains the same. Existing Development Permit requirements relating to Development Permit Area 4: Environmentally Sensitive Areas (DPA4) and Development Permit Area 5: Hazardous Lands and Steep Slopes (DPA 5) are applicable. However, a pre-application is recommended for properties that received additional height and density through the Province’s Minimum Density Framework.

Q. Is there a minimum lot size for TOA?
A. At this point, projects within the TOAs will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please submit a pre-application.

Q. Is there a unit size restriction?
A. At this point, projects will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Please submit a pre-application.

Q. Why are only some heritage properties exempt from TOA developments?
A. Only the heritage properties that are part of a Heritage Revitalization Agreement or are designated by a municipal bylaw qualify for the exemption and are shown in yellow on the map. Those properties listed as protected in a heritage conservation area do not qualify for a TOA exemption. 

Q. What should I do if I have a watercourse (stream, ditch or wetland) on or near my TOA property?
A. A Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) should be engaged to create a report that assesses the stream and identifies the top-of-bank. This information is used to develop a lot survey that outlines the top of bank and associated setbacks (Riparian Protection and Enhancement Area & Riparian Transition Area) as applicable (see Section 5.4 of the Port Moody Zoning Bylaw).

Q. What fees apply to TOA developments?
A. Current development cost charges (DCCs) still apply and the City is working to update DCCs in 2025. Application fees related to development permits and building permits would also apply. The City’s Density Bonus policy will be updated by June 2025, and the process to create new Amenity Cost Charges (ACCs) will be initiated in 2025.

Please contact for additional questions. Please note this webpage with additional FAQs is being developed as ongoing inquiries are being received. Subscribe to this page for updates.