Complete and accurate applications reduce processing time. Please contact City planning staff at or 604-469-4540 with any questions.

Use the instructions below for the following types of development applications: Pre-Application Review; Official Community Plan Amendment; Rezoning; Subdivision; Development Permit; Development Variance Permit; Development Authorization (North Shore Development Agreement Area); Land Use Contract; Temporary Use Permit; Heritage Alteration Permit; or Heritage Revitalization Agreement.

Submission instructions

Make sure you have the following required documentation ready before starting your online submission:

  • Owner authorization: if you are submitting an application on behalf of the property owner(s), you must provide a Letter of Authorization (PDF) signed by all registered owner(s). If the property is within a strata, you must provide authorization from the strata council. If the owner is an incorporated company/society, you must provide a current corporate/society search or “notice of directors.”
  • All required attachments per the Development Application Submission Requirements Checklist (PDF). When providing attachments please ensure:
    • PDF files are flattened (no layers) and do not have passwords or restrictions. This allows staff to reduce file sizes, add markups, and print as needed.
    • Drawings are separated by discipline (i.e. architectural, landscape, mechanical) and each PDF file submitted is <50mb.
      • NOTE – at the time of submission for Council consideration, applicants will be asked to provide reduced versions of the final PDFs that are: 8.5 x 11", portrait or landscape, with text and graphics legible and file size <15mb.
    • Drawing files are created using best practices to reduce file bloat (i.e. limited use of hash mark pattern, no gradients, smallest image resolutions possible, flattened objects), and are output as an optimized, flattened PDF.
  • You will be asked to provide all files by only one of the following two methods – do not split your files between them:

Option 1: upload your documents through the fields provided in the online application form. Large files may take up to five minutes to upload, so please be patient. 
Option 2: in the designated field in the online application form, you may provide a link where staff can access your files through a file sharing provider (e.g. dropbox).

  Submit your development application online

Planning staff will review your application, then contact you for fee payment and/or additional information as needed.

Alternately, you may submit a PDF development application form and your required document attachments by emailing