Heritage value can be historical, cultural, aesthetic, scientific, or educational. It is up to the local jurisdiction to determine what has heritage value and what is worth preserving and protecting. We use a variety of tools, such as a heritage register, heritage designation, and heritage conservation areas, to preserve places, buildings, and areas that have heritage value.

The Heritage Strategic Plan (PDF) provides direction for heritage planning and protection and informs the workplan of our Heritage Commission.

Do heritage protection regulations apply to your property?

Use the interactive ViewPort map to learn which heritage protection regulations apply to your property. In the layers legend, ensure you click the check boxes next to ‘Planning’ and 'Heritage Areas & Properties' sub-layers to turn on/off the visibility of the heritage layers.  

Depending on the location of your property and its heritage designation, you may need to follow specific guidelines and/or receive Council approval to make certain changes. Read the sections below for more detailed information.

Heritage protection tools and guidelines

Heritage designation

A municipal heritage designation is a separate classification for property, which:

  • provides legal protection
  • allows the City to regulate, by bylaw, the Deconstruction, relocation, and alteration of the heritage property
  • requires the owner to apply for a heritage alteration permit prior to making changes to the property

A legal notation is registered on the property title.

Heritage register

heritage register (PDF) is an official list of properties identified by a local government as having heritage significance.

A heritage register:

  • does not provide legal protection
  • assists in monitoring proposed changes to heritage properties
  • authorizes Port Moody to withhold (or delay) Deconstruction and building permits for a maximum of 60 days to provide time to relocate the building to another site or to salvage building materials
  • only requires the owner to apply for a heritage alteration permit for exterior changes to a building in a Heritage Conservation Area
Heritage register qualifications

Council must receive and consider a Statement of Significance (SOS) before deciding whether a property should be added to the heritage register. The SOS is based on historical research and is used to evaluate architectural significance, historical significance, the extent to which the original context remains, and the degree of alteration to the exterior of the building or site. An SOS can be prepared for a building, landscape, monument, or archaeological site, and includes the following three components:

  • a description of the historic place
  • an explanation of the heritage value of the historic place (i.e. why the place is important to the community)
  • a list of the place's character-defining elements
Advantages of the heritage register

If your property is listed on Port Moody's heritage register (PDF), you may be eligible for:

You would receive an etched bronze plaque identifying your property as part of the heritage registry.

What is a heritage building?

There are no hard and fast rules or legal definitions that define heritage buildings. Common practice varies between jurisdictions, with minimum age guidelines that range from 35 to 50 years depending on the local history.

It is up to the local jurisdiction to determine what has heritage value and what is worth preserving and protecting. 

Heritage conservation areas (HCA)

Port Moody has two recognized heritage conservation areas: Ioco Townsite and Moody Centre. A heritage conservation area (HCA) is a distinct area with special heritage value and/or heritage character identified for conservation by the Official Community Plan. Heritage conservation areas are intended to provide long-term protection to the area and identify some properties for protection.

If you own property in one of the two HCAs in Port Moody, you must apply for a heritage alteration permit in order to make any of the following changes to your property:

  • subdivide the property
  • add a structure
  • add to an existing structure
  • construct a new building
  • alter a building, structure, land, or feature

Review the Ioco Townsite (PDF) and Moody Centre (PDF) heritage conservation area development guidelines to determine whether your property is listed as a protected property and which guidelines apply to your proposal.

Moody Centre heritage character area

The Moody Centre heritage character area encompasses a larger area surrounding the core HCA and includes multifamily, commercial, and mixed-use commercial/residential areas. Design guidelines for new development and restoration of properties within the heritage character area are contained within the Development Permit Area 2 Guidelines.

Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA)

A Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) is a conservation tool that can be used protect a heritage building or property. An HRA is approved by Council and may vary land use, density, and other regulations set out in the Zoning Bylaw. The terms of an HRA supersede local zoning regulations. In exchange, the property owner agrees to restore, preserve and protect the heritage building or property.

Heritage bylaws
 We also encourage heritage protection through our heritage bylaws: