Filming in Port Moody
Port Moody is located at the head of Burrard Inlet, a short 20 minute drive from Vancouver film studios. We are a film-friendly city with a variety of film locations.
Apply to film in Port Moody
To support the BC film and production industry our staff provide personalized film location and permit assistance. To begin the process please review and follow the Filming Checklist. Any forms or documents you may need can be found under Resources.
Filming Checklist |
Submit Filming Permit Application.
Complete a Highway Use Permit if your production disrupts the normal flow of traffic or affects parking, sidewalk, or bike path access.
Resources |
Benefits to our community
It is recognized that filming brings important socio-economic benefits to our community. By assisting this creative sector, the City is helping develop creativity, talent, skills, and employment in a creative field driven by knowledge and passion. An estimated 40% of productions made in Canada are made in B.C., resulting in more than 71,000 full-time equivalent jobs and generating over $3.2 billion towards B.C.’s economy in 2019 (Creative BC, 2019). In 2019, a minimum of 476 Port Moody residents worked for film production companies totaling an estimated minimum of $25,821,557 in personal income.
The City of Port Moody has been issuing film permits since the late 1990’s. Since 2015, the number of productions filming in Port Moody has increased annually. For those people familiar with Port Moody, it is not surprising that some of the most popular areas for filming in our city are the same places that our residents love to visit and enjoy. Film Companies are increasingly interested in the character and look of Moody Centre, Newport Village, our Municipal and Regional Parks, as well as our residential neighborhoods around the city.
In 2021 a Community Film Reserve was established to help fund future, small scale projects across our community, such as playground equipment, park benches, bicycle racks, and art projects. Film productions are able to contribute to the reserve, and in turn contribute to some of the projects that help make Port Moody a wonderful place to live, work and play.
Filming in B.C.
For more information about the film industry in BC please visit Creative BC where you will find a variety of information including:
- Listing your Property as a possible filming location in their online digital Location Library.
- In Production, a list of current productions that are shooting, or about to shoot in B.C.
- the Provincial Film Commission who are committed to supporting, promoting and sustaining the success of B.C.'s motion picture industry.
- Toolkits for Filming in our Communities on your property, in business areas or in residential areas.
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