We've developed guidelines, example drawings, and other technical documents for design professionals to use when working on projects located in Port Moody. These include a variety of documents that must accompany development applications. All documents and drawings created and approved by engineers must meet the requirements listed in the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw and the Master Municipal Construction Document Platinum Edition.

Plans, specifications, and drawing guidelines

Please review the following engineering specification and drawing guidelines for the City of Port Moody.

Reference studies and plans

Geotechnical / geological


Utility construction guidebook

The Third Party Utility Construction Guidebook (PDF) helps third party utility contractors meet the City's requirements concerning:

  • overhead and underground electrical distribution systems
  • natural gas pipelines
  • telecommunications ducts

Water meter specifications

The Water Meter Specification Guidelines (PDF) provide information about the installation of water meters on the City's water service.

Schedule E Specifications and Standard Drawings

The Schedule E Specifications and Standard Drawings (PDF) provide example drawings and notes that must be included with the drawings submitted during the application approval stage for new developments.

Utility notifications and specifications

The Third Party Utility Notifications and Specifications (PDF) provide consultants/engineers with a detailed description of third-party utility requirements for proposed drawings.

Erosion and sediment control specifications

The erosion and sediment control specifications (PDF) provide a description of what needs to be included with all drawings on sediment and erosion measures.