Development growth projections

The City regularly reviews long term growth scenarios by estimating potential development over time. Read the latest Development Horizon and Growth Impact Update (PDF) report to City Council to learn more about the potential impact of current development applications on projected population and job growth. Although not all development projects inevitably move forward, the projections assume that by 2050 all active applications would be approved and built with the units and jobs as proposed by the applicants.

Projected population growth based on current development patterns, from the discussion starting on page 3 of the Development Horizon and Growth Impact Update report (click graph to enlarge).

Graph of project population growth


Projected job growth based on current development patterns, from the discussion starting on page 6 of the Development Horizon and Growth Impact Update report (click graph to enlarge)

graph of projected job growth

Housing Supply Act Order

Under the B.C. Housing Supply Act, the Province has the authority to set housing targets in municipalities, starting with those with the greatest need and highest projected growth. The Province included Port Moody in the first cohort of municipalities to receive a Provincial Housing Target Order.

To meet the five-year housing target, Ministerial Order 283/2023 requires Port Moody to complete a minimum of 1,694 units between October 2023 and October 2028. This figure represents 75% of the Province’s estimated housing need for Port Moody. The Province provided additional recommendations in the Housing Target Guidelines for number of units by size (one bedroom, two bedroom, three bedroom), rental versus owned units, below-market rental units and units with on-site supports. The unit breakdown is currently not required but can be included as supplemental information when providing progress reports. 

The Province will evaluate progress starting six months after the order and every year thereafter. The City will publish the progress reports on this page to show Port Moody’s advancement towards meeting the Provincial targets.

Future facility considerations

As the City grows so does the demand for city facilities and services. This increase in demand is expected to be combined with changes to the type of services desired and changes to how existing buildings and facilities are needed. As part of the City’s growth impact review, the Growth Considerations table (PDF) explores what type of facilities may be needed in the long run and what the tentative cost may be, assuming new services require new buildings / building expansions. While the table explores different levels of potential population growth by 2041, this growth will depend on a range of factors including Council approvals of projects; wider economic trends regionally and nationally; real estate market fluctuations; and, demographic trends.

Kyle Centre assessment

In 2019 a report on the Population and Demographic Analysis Impacting Kyle Centre Redevelopment (PDF) was completed, based on a 20+ year growth projection to plan for the replacement of Kyle Centre. This analysis looks at population increase, changing demographics and recreation trends, and aligns this information with the amenities to consider in a replacement Kyle Centre.

In 2020 a Building Envelope Condition Assessment (PDF) was completed to evaluate the present condition of the various building envelope systems and outline recommendations for the long-term, continued operation of the building.

In 2013, RDH Building Engineering Ltd. prepared a Long-Range Facilities Plan (PDF) for the base building components at 21 facilities, including Kyle Centre.

Housing needs report

In response to new legislation under the Local Government Act, the City completed a Housing Needs Report (PDF) in September 2021. This report helps to identify existing and projected gaps in housing supply so that the City and the Province can better understand and respond to future housing needs.

Housing Action Plan

In 2022, Council endorsed the City’s Housing Action Plan 2022-2032 (PDF). The Housing Action Plan addresses the housing gaps and needs identified in the City of Port Moody’s Housing Needs Report (PDF).  

Four strategic directions will guide the implementation of over 30 actions. These are:

  • Improve Affordability;
  • Catalyze Rental Housing;
  • Diversify Housing; and
  • Be a Housing Champion.

The Implementation and Monitoring Appendix (PDF) summarizes the actions the City will prioritize over the next 10 years.