Community Amenity Contributions (CACs) and density bonuses allow us to collect and pool funds from developers to build amenities that serve existing and new Port Moody residents. CACs are set out in our CAC Corporate Policy (PDF) and the regulations around Density Bonuses are set out in the Zoning Bylaw.

CACs and density bonuses allow for the funding of other public amenities deemed appropriate by Council, such as:

  • community facilities
  • parks and recreation facilities
  • environmental enhancements
  • arts and cultural facilities
  • public art
  • streetscape and pedestrian improvements
  • affordable and special needs housing
  • contributions to the affordable housing reserve fund

CAC map

CACs apply to all areas of the City, with the exception of properties within the 215A Levy Area of Inlet Centre. View the CAC map on page 4 of the CAC Corporate Policy (PDF).

CAC amount

A voluntary CAC shall be made to the City in the amount of $6.00 per 0.09m2 (1.0ft2) (to a maximum of $6,000 per unit) of new residential floor area being developed on a lot where an application has been made to the City for rezoning of the lot. 

For more details on the program view the CAC Corporate Policy (PDF).

Density bonus

Any residential floor area on a lot in excess of a floor area ratio of 2.5 shall be subject to the City's density bonus provisions set out in Section 7 of the City's Zoning Bylaw.