Title: Artist: Medium: Location: Year Installed: Funded by: |
A Prayer for the Return of Abundance Marianne Nicolson Sculpture Klahanie (Klahanie Drive and Nootka Way) 2006 Developer
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Buoy Bench (part of Rocky Point Park Collection) Dan Bushnell, Purple Thistle Artist Collective Sculpture (Functional Furniture) Rocky Point Park, 2800 block of Murray Street 2006 City
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Canoe School District 43 students Sculpture Moody Centre Station, Evergreen Extension 2016 Government - Millennium Line Evergreen Extension Project
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Evergreen People Alberto Cerritos with Rosalina Cerritos and Jaime Torres Sculpture Inlet Centre Station, Evergreen Extension 2016 Government - Millennium Line Evergreen Extension Project
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Herons (part of Rocky Point Park Collection) Dan Bushnell, Purple Thistle Artist Collective Sculpture Rocky Point Park, 2800 block Murray Street 2006 City
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Hidden Encounters Clive Tucker Sculpture (Relief Cast Carving) On the 3 bridges of Shoreline Trail 2008 City |
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Journey Fae Logie and Rainer Daniels Sculpture Noons Creek bridge on Ioco Road 2011 City |
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Junction Eric Robertson Sculpture (stainless steel) Klahanie Drive pedestrian overpass 2006 City |
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Knots Contexture Design: Nathan Lee and Matthew Thomson Sculpture Rocky Point Park and Moody Street Overpass 2015 City |
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Moraine Train Hapa Collaborative Erratic Landscape Design Feature Inlet Centre Station, Evergreen Extension 2016 Government - Millennium Line Evergreen Extension Project
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Mother and Child on a Bike Parvaneh Roudgar Sculpture Inlet Centre Station, Evergreen Extension 2016 Government - Millennium Line Evergreen Extension Project |
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Movement: The Search for the Perfect Form Markian Olynyk and Brian Baxter Sculpture (Glass) Recreation Complex, 300 Ioco Road 2008 City |
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Pioneer Memories Gillian McMillan Sculpture Shoreline Park, Old Mill site 2001/2009 City In 2001 two planters were installed in traffic circles along St. George Street. One of the planters was destroyed in a vehicle accident in 2008, and the remaining planter was moved to its current location in 2009. |
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Play Carlos Basanta Sculpture North Shore Community Park, 1300 block David Ave 2006 City
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Raven at Heritage Mountain Michelle Mathias Sculpture (Mobile) Heritage Mountain Community Centre, 200 Panorama Pl 2003 Developer
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Saymahmit James Harry Sculpture (Yellow Cedar) Noons Creek Hatchery, 300 Ioco Road 2017 Canada Council, First People's Cultural Council, Port Moody Foundation |
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Service Gerry Houghton Sculpture (Aluminum) Inlet Centre Fire Hall, 150 Newport Drive 2014 City |
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The Queens Glass Tie Ross Agro in partnership with Rotary Club of Port Moody Sculpture Queens Street Plaza (Clarke Street & Spring Street) 2008 City and Rotary Club of Port Moody |
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The River Giver of Life Susan Point Sculpture (Spindle Whorl) Klahanie (Klahanie Drive and Murray Street) 2004 Developer |
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Tidal Train Bruce Voyce Sculpture Civic Centre, 100 Newport Drive 2014 City |
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Tidal Windfall Eric Robertson Sculpture Crescendo Towers (Ungless Way and Guildford Way) 2009 Developer |
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Trial by Stone Ross Agro in partnership with Rotary Club of Port Moody Sculpture (Relief Mural) Bike Trials Park, 3250 Murray Street 2002 City |
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Welh Aynexw Nseyxnitm (The Guardian Spirits) Jody Broomfield Sculpture (Wood Carving) Civic Centre, 100 Newport Drive 2013 Heritage Canada Grant In celebration of Port Moody's Centennial Year