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City Hall

Penalty for unpaid property taxes delayed to ease burden on Port Moody taxpayers during COVID-19

Posted on Friday, May 01, 2020 08:40 AM

To ease the financial burden faced by taxpayers during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Port Moody has moved the penalty for late payment of property taxes from July 3, 2020...

Share the Trail

Follow trail etiquette to help keep everyone safe on our trails during COVID-19

Posted on Friday, April 24, 2020 03:30 PM

Follow trail etiquette to help keep everyone safe on our trails during COVID-19 

As we all try to stay active while staying apart during the COVID-19 pandemic, the City is...

Port Moody reduces tax rate increase to 1.61% to ease burden on taxpayers during COVID-19 pandemic

Port Moody reduces tax rate increase to 1.61% to ease burden on taxpayers during COVID-19 pandemic

Posted on Thursday, April 23, 2020 08:33 AM

To ease the financial burden faced by taxpayers during the COVID-19 pandemic, Port Moody City Council has made cuts to the 2020 Financial Plan that resulted in a reduced tax rate...

elebrate #EarthDayatHome this year with simple activities and online resources

Celebrate #EarthDayatHome this year with simple activities and online resources

Posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 02:28 PM

Even though we’re keeping our distance due to COVID-19, we can celebrate #EarthDayatHome this year with simple activities and online resources. 

April 22, 2020 marks the 50th...

Rocky Point Boat Launch

Rocky Point Boat Launch to re-open with restrictions and physical distancing measures in place

Posted on Saturday, April 18, 2020 08:00 AM

The Rocky Point Boat Launch will re-open on Sunday, April 19, 2020, by reservation only, to Port Moody residents and current annual pass holders. Restrictions and physical distancing...